Define Warsaw Pact. Warsaw Pact synonyms, Warsaw Pact pronunciation, Warsaw Pact translation, English dictionary definition of Warsaw Pact. n a military treaty and association of E European countries, formed in 1955 by the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechos
Warsaw Pact noun a military treaty and association of E European countries, formed in 1955 by the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania: East Germany left in 1990; the remaining members dissolved the Pact in 1991“Collins English Dictionary — Complete...
Warsaw Pact navies are often overlooked in the grand scheme of the cold war, easily shadowed by the ludicrous size reached by the Soviet Navy in the 1980s. Yet like Poland and Romania, East Germany had a large green water navy. The Volksmarine had no lar
SWP Soviet Warsaw Pact SWP Sliding Window Processing SWP Shallow Well Pump SWP Shrink Wrapped Pallets SWP Single Wavelength Power SWP Semi-orthogonal Wavelet Packet SWP Society for Women in Plastics SWP Short Wavelength Primary/Prime (camera) SWP Surface Water Pipe SWP Sugar Water Purple (band) SWP...
Define Nato warsaw pact. Nato warsaw pact synonyms, Nato warsaw pact pronunciation, Nato warsaw pact translation, English dictionary definition of Nato warsaw pact. n a military treaty and association of E European countries, formed in 1955 by the Soviet