That means that our goal is not to simply "Go To Church" but to be the Church. The Church is so much more than a building that we gather in, or a weekly event. The Church is a Family. The Church is a Family on a Mission to reach the lost with the Good News of Jesus. ...
At FBC Warsaw, we’re all about three things: the gospel, community, and mission. When we worship on Sundays, it’s simple but serious, and Jesus is the focus. We'd love for you to join us!
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携程攻略提供沃索First Baptist Church of Warsaw游玩攻略信息,您可以查询沃索First Baptist Church of Warsaw票价格优惠信息表、参观预约First Baptist Church of Warsaw门票价格多少钱,First Baptist Church of Warsaw团购门票预定优惠、First Baptist Church of Warsaw