rest of the Old French-speaking area. Both forms meant "war." Meanwhile another form derived from the same Indo-European root had developed into a word denoting a more benign kind of mixture, Old High Germanwurst,meaning "sausage." Modern GermanWurstwas borrowed into English in the 1800s. ...
Even the First World War continued to be decided in several campaigns on the western and eastern fronts of Europe by the use of cavalry (Gervase Phillips (2011), “Who Shall Say That the Days of Cavalry Are Over?’ The Revival of the Mounted Arm in Europe, 1853–1914’,War in History,...
The British attacked twice during the Napoleonic wars in the early 1800 s. 在19世纪初,拿破仑战争期间,又遭到了英国人的两次攻击. 来自互联网 2. Congress of Vienna: ( 1814 - 15 ) Assembly that reorganized Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. 维也纳会议: ( 1814~1815 ) 在拿破仑战争之后召开的改组...
in France. The coalition was successful in the beginning, but over time, they became disorganized, which opened the door to French victories. By late 1800 and early 1802, the Coalition Forces were signing separate peace treaties with France, and a fourteen-month peace ensued in Europe in 1802...
The crushing defeat of Napoleon’s army drastically changed the balance of power in Europe and had a tremendous effect on the subsequent course of events. In the wake of the defeat there was a powerful upsurge in the liberation struggle of the European peoples. A war of liberation (chiefly ...
The purpose of this chapter is to provide an account of the wars fought by European armies outside Europe from the age of rapid imperial expansion (1815–1914) to the era of equally rapid imperial decline (1914–1960). In the halcyon days of empire building in the nineteenth century, ...
War-(1702-1712)-Known in Europe as theWar of the Spanish Succession, in North America asQueen Anne's Warand in India as theFirst Carnatic War. This conflict also included theSecond Abnaki War. The Abnaki Indian tribe allied itself with the French against the English colonists in North ...
Embracing a complete history of the revolution, with biographical sketches of most of the public characters of Europe, comprising also the history of the wars in Spain and Portugal, the American war, the campaigns of the Duke of Wellington, Bonaparte, &c. and the glorious battle of Waterloo....
Boardgame: Napoleon in Europe (Eagle Games) Computer Game Reviews Campaigns of La Grande Armee: 1805/1809 (Adanac Command Studies) Campaigns of La Grande Armee: 1806 (Adanac Command Studies) Napoleon's Russian Campaign (HPS Simulations) Europa Universalis 2 (Strategy First) Waterloo: Napoleon...
From the 1290s onwards, Scotland would be one of a number of smaller lands caught up in the rivalry of the greatest rulers of north-west Europe, the kings of England and their lords, the kings of France. Like Flanders, Aquitaine, and later Brittany, Scotland was one arena in this rivalr...