"Trust no cat. If Curlfeather had been killed on purpose, the warning made sense. She realizes, with a sickening sense of dread, that there was a connection that linked every death in RiverClan over the past moon. Why hadn't she noticed it before? It see
Fan Central Current Warriors Wiki "I know what you're like, Lionblaze. No cat better. You tend to think with your claws and then regret it later. I want to make sure Shadowsight and Squirrelflight get treated fairly." ―Jayfeather to LionblazeThe Place of No Stars, page 22 ...
Warriors' Gate was the fifth story of the 18th season of Doctor Who. It was the final regular appearance of Lalla Ward as Romana and John Leeson as K9 and concluded the "E-Space trilogy". The decision was made not to replace K9 with another new model whi
Autumnleaf: Tortoiseshell she-cat with a scruffy pelt Prologue The stars brightened the moon, which glowed eerie with beauty. But something was off, the stars weren't the same as they ever have before. And the moon was half gone by in the opposite of what it would be like elsewhere. ...
"Few are welcome here, in our world of secrets and darkness. We are a Clan of cunning and cleverness, a Clan well suited to the shadows of the cold north wind. No other Clan can walk the paths of night like we do. Other Clans may be faster or stronger, b
StarClan gifts the Clan leaders with nine lives, but most cats live a single lifetime. Some are cut tragically short by illness, injuries suffered in battle, accidents, natural disasters, or even murder. No matter what the cause is of a Clan cat’s death, their Clanmates grieve deeply. ...
Ravenpaw reassures all warriors get scared sometimes, but that it is the only way tell if you are brave. He says to Bella that she cannot stay up in a hedge forever, as that is no place for a cat. The she-cat asks if the dog will get her, and Ravenpaw meows no. Bella climbs...
"All the cats in the Tribe are my kits, even the elders. As for finding a mate... I knew love once, and once was enough. We can never be sure of our future, Gray Wing. All we can do is trust that what we believe is right." Half Moon to Gray Wing on being
Soon after, Moth Flight's kits are born, and she realizes that she cannot raise them while also trying to perform her medicine cat duties. She gives them away, one to each Clan, and creates the law that says that medicine cats cannot take a mate or have kits....
Moon Shadow asks what they are waiting for, because they need to hunt. Shaded Moss deems it safe enough to stay for the night. The cats eagerly dive in for mice, and eat well that night. Rainswept Flower asks every cat if this is their new home, since it is all they wanted. After...