Weapon Swap Macro #showtooltip /stopcasting /equipslot 16 Main Hand Weapon /equipslot 17 Off Hand Weapon or Shield This macro is useful for time when you are taking damage, have pulled threat, or generally just need to swap weapons. It is important to include the /stopcasting line to cancel...
It’s simple to macro weapon swaps from a 2h weapon > 1h weapon / shield. Equipping a 2h replaces your 1h, and equipping a 1h replaces your 2h; automatically allowing space for your shield. What’s not simple, is equippi…
Startattack macros are invaluable, making your attacks also start your auto attack so that you never forget to swing your weapon. In the macro below, you can swap Mortal Strike for any ability you want to use this with. #showtooltip /startattack /cast Mortal StrikeCopy This allows you to in...
/fury - uses Fury /fury block - Enter Defensive Stance and do Shield Block /fury charge - uses Intercept or Charge sequence /fury shoot - fires ranged weapon /fury aoe - enables cleave and whirlwind, disables overpower, bloodhtirst, Heroic Strike (Switched off when fewer than 2 enemies) ...