Intercessory Prayer 101: Standing in the Gap for Loved Ones Praying For Your Husband’s Spiritual Growth Praying for Prodigals: From Heartache to Hope 20 Encouraging Bible Verses for Caregivers: Finding Strength in Scripture 7 Powerful Prayers for Your Child’s Mental Health Faith Conversations with...
These verses in Zephaniah are a bright spot amidst many messages of destruction. So, what can we delight in? The “sword of the Lord.” The “sword of the Lord” in Jeremiah 47 represents divine judgment, but in Hebrews and Ephesians, the “sword” represents the Word of God: ...
The Warrior’s Notebook is a Rite in the Rain notebook for military personal that is customized with Bible verses and the Gospel. The quotes from the Bible written in the Warrior’s Notebook have provided encouragement, spiritual insight, and comfort to
If someone you know is hurting, please follow my friends’ example and be there. Trust that your smile, hug or words spoken from the heart will be just right — just as it was with Cindy’s card. In it, she shared one of her favorite Bible verses. May it encourage you as much as...
Every warrior’s boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire. For to us a child is
on Christendom as a book, of which every word was written under the direct supervision of the Holy Ghost; of which not a syllable, nor a comma could be changed without sacrilege, is now being retranslated, revised, corrected, and clipped of whole verses, in some cases of entire chapters....
the Qu ‘ran from Muslim hearts.” All this leads to a very important question: “Is the Qu ‘ran the Word of God or is it a fabrication of a man. Thus, is the Quran the truth or a fiction and a hoax ?” The jihadists, as those of ISIS use many verses from the Qu ‘ran ...
Lights were going on in my workmate's head. He said, "That's like that guy who wrote 'Satanic Verses.'" "Right! They're just following Mohammad's example. In fact, it says in the Koran that Mohammad is a model for human behavior and followers should try to be like Mohammad." ...
The Bible is full of verses about the power of words. What we say out of our mouths is important. We have the power to create or destroy. We see this in the Bible in the story of creation. God spoke, and things came into existence. He didn’t just speak words of random thoughts,...
of story of Macbeth and the three witches can be found in the story of Marduk (Merodach), the angel of the sea or chaos versesTiamat, monster of the sea or chaos. Of course Marduk is represented as the light in MacBeth and Tiamat as the three witches represented in chaos and darkness....