Here, you will learn how to tank as a Protection Warrior in both raids and Mythic+ dungeons. We cover everything from the basics all the way to min-maxing techniques to optimize your survivability. If you were looking for Cataclysm Classic content, please refer to our Cataclysm Classic ...
Welcome to our WoW Classic leveling guide for warriors! The tough and mighty warrior certainly makes for one of the strongest late-game classes for damage or tanking, but it balances out with a fairly weak leveling experience. If you’re feeling frustrat
You posted as a mage , what if tomorrow your mage did say 50% of the damage it does today? That’s a warrior vs every other tank. Even Warlocks tank better lol. 1 Like Frosstfire-pagleDecember 2, 2023, 5:51am17 Warriors have always sucked early in classic. They are not balancing ...
While it may be tempting to consider leveling as Protection, as it is the tankiest of the three possible specs, Arms is the perfect mix of kill speed and durability and the recommended spec. Arms utilizies two-handed weapons to help mitigate the hit penalty of using an off-hand weapon an...
Strengths–[One of the Best Tank Classes] – [Tanks are in High Demand] Warrior Protection Builds Advertisement You can view even more WoW Classic Warrior Build Guides byClicking/Tappingthe links below. Warrior Twink Builds Warrior Leveling Guide ...
Arms Warriors are seen as somewhat of a niche specialization for PvE, being labeled by the community mainly as a PvP spec with no viability in PvE. However, do not be discouraged by such views! With proper knowledge and technique, you will be able to secure a good spot in the DPS ...
I have been asking them to make Bear a bleed based tank for a long time and Prot warrior is looking like it will finally realize that dream. Spread Rend and Deep Wounds everywhere and then have a bleed cooldown skill for starting packs. Sounds great. Basically a full "bleed and block"...
Tank : Blood DK All exceptional players encouraged to apply! Contacts: Religiøn Btag : Religion#1422 Disc : Religion#2837 BearDaddyPls Btag : TheGreatJohn#1845 Disc : stonetheiceman#5998 We would love to discuss our team and guild with you if you are interested. Zeroes to Heroes an Al...
You will get very fast dungeon finder pops when you queue as a tank, allowing you to spam run dungeons for experience, which will be higher experience than solo questing as Protection. If you are interested in the fastest solo leveling experience, check out our Arms Warrior Leveling Guide. ...
As a tank, we have access to various defensive cooldowns. Using them properly, depending on the mechanic you are facing, is a crucial part of surviving in Raids. This holds especially true as Warrior Protection since a bulk of our mitigation comes from blocking abilities. Unfortunately, it is...