In Mists of Pandaria, with the complete revision of the talent system, Fury became more viable than before as a PvP spec. in Warlords, with all the ability changes, it’s the Flavor of the Month and Arms has fallen behind.This page assume that your Warrior is at level 100. If you’...
{ id = 384100, cast = 0, cooldown = 60, gcd = "off", talent = "berserker_shout", startsCombat = false, texture = 136009, --Not yet Implemented in LossOfControl via Classes.lua --toggle = "defensives", --usable = function () return ( or debuff.incapacitate...
As a Protection Warrior you can tank with the best of them and while Warlords brought a lot of changes for the tanking Warrior (you can see them here) it didn’t change your effectiveness. Not much changed in either 6.1 or 6.2.
Legion brings a ton of changes that I'll be going over in depth in the guide. Unfortunately, there's no real TL;DR that I can give, but I do think it is worthwhile to note that your primary source of rage is now rage generated from damage taken and you get much less from abilitie...
{ id = 384100, cast = 0, cooldown = 60, gcd = "off", talent = "berserker_shout", startsCombat = false, texture = 136009, --Not yet Implemented in LossOfControl via Classes.lua --toggle = "defensives", --usable = function () return ( or debuff.incapacitat...
Shadowmeld can be used in some PvE situations to drop aggro (either to save your skin or so the tank can reacquire aggro) or possibly hide from patrols. It’s an occasionally useful ability. +1% Crit by day which changes to +1% Haste at night.Gnomes...