I’m playing now in the 25 bracket I don’t think we should be alienated in any phase of SoD. In Blizzards own words "Everyone any playstyle/spec/runes can participate
Got titles in Era, Cata, SoD and retail. So I do PvP more than you do. Don’t say i don’t. All you got is ONE single toon that has done a little bit of PvP. And you were only capable of ding it in SoD and only after you found out there everything was going to be ...
it isnt just pvp, the class is garbage as a whole, not just in SoD but retail as well. 2 Likes Throwinhands-whitemane July 21, 2024, 5:10pm 4 Fwenglimop: This is a huge problem. The problem is you’re bad and you came to the forums to cry rather than do some research on...
Has the widest array of tanking tools in WoW Classic SoD, with multiple defensive cooldowns and well established tanking tier sets Shield Blockallows you to remove critical hits and crushing blows from the combat table by itself, without extra runes or higher level skills and gear being needed ...
Once maximum level, it is wise to combineEngineeringwithBlacksmithing, as there will be various new bind on pickup crafted gear that will be best in slot in SoD, such asTempered Interference-Negating Helmetand the newShoulderplates of Dread, with further important BoP crafts expected down the ...
But one of the original talent trees? NAHHHH. Please, never, ever try to make a real classic+ blizzard. 5 Likes Freznar-mankrikJanuary 2, 2025, 8:17pm3 Warriors have 3 DPS specs that all play different in SoD. 2H Fury, DW Fury, and Gladiator. Gladiator sucks, but so do most of ...
Forum: WoW Classic M SOLD US | SOD | Crusader Strike H | Warrior 60 940gs | Fakename | 130$ WARRIOR LVL 60 CRUSADER STRIKE HORDE ORC MALE Gear : T1 3/8 T2 5/8 T3 1/8 ( Not claimed yet ) Sanc 6/8 ( with set bonus 3/3 ) No Proff 100% Mount AQ BEETLES RED Dual Tal...
Make sure to check our Warrior Rune guide in order to learn where to get all the SoD runes! Warrior Runes and Locations 3. Notable Arms Warrior Talents Tactical Masteryis required for stance swapping to work, as you would lose all Rage every time you swap stance, otherwise. With ...
‘Arms is a pvp spec’ is such a dumb argument in SoD where they said they want all the bad and/or meme specs to become viable, this isn’t era. And it’s not like Arms is particularly good in pvp right now anyways. It deserves a buff and shouldn’t be the era REt paladin of...
Make sure to check our Warrior Rune guide in order to learn where to get all the SoD runes! Warrior Runes and Locations 2. Notable Fury Warrior Talents Crueltyis a staple of all kinds of Warriors, as trading one talent point for 1% extra chance to critical strike is usually a good de...