We hope this guide will help you navigate the cast of The Prophecies Begin a little bit more easily! Once you’ve finished that series, keep an eye out here on the site―there might be another guide coming for the next generation of warriors. If you’re ready to start the series, you...
The Prophecies BeginDeep in the heart of the forest, four Clans of warrior cats coexist in uneasy harmony—but uncertain times are upon them, and dangers threaten the precarious balance of the forest. Fireheart is a ThunderClan warrior now, but his troubles are far from over. The cats of ...
(英The Prophecies Begin trivia!) (站内截图 译文 有没有好奇过《猫武士》的创造过程?关于那些包含在早期书稿内、但在剪辑中被弃置一旁最终丢失的小细节?别担心!在这里我们来回顾一下某些在创作《猫武士》首部曲《预言开始》中、我们最喜欢的一些小趣闻! 蓝星,欢迎拉斯特加入雷族的高贵雷族族长,一开始被设定为月...
WarriorCats.com/云尾的五大《预言开始》时刻 (英Top five Cloudtail moments from The Prophecies Begin)(2023-05-26) 站内截图 译文 火星顽固好辩的外甥总是有一种能够吸引读者注意力的火爆形象。他对火心所重视的规则持有的蔑视态度令其成为导师的眼中钉,而他对星族的轻视和无信吓坏了他忠诚的族猫们,但即使...
The Prophecies Begin 2 The Prophecies Begin 3 Stand-alone-Comics Geißels Rache Schatten über dem FlussClan Wind des Wandels Verbannung aus dem SchattenClan Der Dieb des DonnerClans Short Adventures The Untold Stories Distelblatts Geschichte Nebelsterns Omen Wolkensterns Reise ...
Schnipskralles Icon auf dem www.warriorcats.com-StammbaumZitate„Ich bin froh, wieder hier zu sein. Ich bin unterwegs auf viele Gefahren gestoßen, und dabei ist mir klar geworden, dass ich lieber meinen Clan an meiner Seite haben möchte, wenn ich mich solchen Gefahren stellen muss....
Welcome to the world of WarriorClan, a Warrior Cats-based roleplaying site for the Warriors Series by Erin Hunter. Here you can create your very own cats in the Clans and roleplay them as they grow! Before you begin, make sure you read the forum rules and audition guidelines as well as...
(英The Cats of The Prophecies Begin)(2020-05-27) Bloodblaze ) 译文 如果你是猫武士系列的新读者,庞大的出场角色表可能会令你望而生畏。你怎么可能记得住这么多名字谁是谁呢?别担心!为了帮助你了解我们毛茸茸的猫物表,我们整理了猫武士首部曲《预言开始》中最重要的角色。祝你读得愉快!
(英Interview with the writers and illustrators of The Prophecies Begin graphic novel!)(2024-05-07) Dravex Tigerfur 原页面(站内截图) 译文 在我们热切等待《预言开始》第一本图画小说出版之际,让我们看看独家问答的写手和画手,莎拉·戈特和娜塔莉·黎斯!
Today, we’ll be ranking the top five leaders in The Prophecies Begin! 5 - Nightstar While Nightstar’s leadership of the elders during their semi-exile was admirable, today we’re only looking at these cats’ actions while serving as Clan leader. Nightstar certainly beats out tyrants like ...