This is a quiz that will ask you 12 questions and depending on your answers you will get a specific cat as your mate. This quiz only has a few Cats ( Crowfeather, Firestar, Dustpelt, Yellowfang, Ferncloud, Squirrelflight, and No One)...
One Eye Clan N/A Position Leader Your so-called rules are a joke. No cat really cares about anything but himself. Pretending otherwise just causes heartache...and sickness. - One Eye , The Blazing Star 33 15 5 66 EYE COLOR TRAITS
QUIZ Which Into the Wild apprentice are you? 123 70 59 300 GALLERY The Prophecies Begin apprentices artwork Official Post Who is your favorite apprentice from Into the Wild? FirepawGraypawRavenpawDustpawSandpaw Official Post QUIZ How well do you know the Moonstone?
The official Warrior Cats Hub app is here! Explore the world of Warrior Cats and be the first to see exclusives from Erin Hunter, as well as amazing fan art and videos. Have your say with polls and reactions, or test your knowledge with quizzes!
cat face and we could add colors, then everyone could know what you look like in the game or/and if we were a warrior cat. 3: Shop. Loving the shop, but some things are VERY expensive. I usually only look at the things you can bye, but maybe you could add other cats from clans...
QUIZ Which Into the Wild apprentice are you? 123 71 59 301 GALLERY The Prophecies Begin apprentices artwork 129 102 29 283 Was Firestar’s peace-seeking leadership the right path for ThunderClan? Yes, avoiding needless battle is the best way to leadYes, though he may have taken his des...
Their lives are over. It’s our turn to live. - Needlepaw , Thunder and Shadow52 19 16 141 EYE COLOR NAMES Needlekit Needlepaw Needletail TRAITS Sacrificing Regretful Rebellious Lonely COAT ABOUT Rebellious, defiant, and stubborn from the start, this young ShadowClan cat was never happy ...
What no cat could have guessed was the almost feverish intensity with which he began to expand his borders further and further onto the land of his fellow mountain cats. With a tight grip on the cats under his command, a cruel refusal to let the weakness of any one cat drag down the ...
The RiverClan camp was the first to be used by cats of any Clan. Seasons before a group of cats came from the mountains and brought death and conflict to the forest, before a scrawny moorland tabby learned to live with a group and became her Clan’s first leader, a young Cat of the...
Warrior I looked up to you. I wanted to be like you. But Redtail was my mentor. I owe him more than any cat. And you killed him. You killed him and betrayed the Clan. I'd rather die than follow you. - Dustpelt , Forest of Secrets ...