Which word do you prefer or do you make a list at all? I’m not the one to approach an idea the same every year is that becomes tedious to me. Some ideas I love repeating, but then others get stale and I need a fresh start. It’s kind of like how the UW character had a lit...
Veterinarian Liz Hicks joins us to discuss pet food nutrition. Everyone has to find out what works for their specific pet. Cats are so funny: they will lead you to their food bowls and can learn to do tricks. Doc rescued a cat named Spike who digs in front of his food bowl. This is...
Where CatsRunner is the JUnit class name (in any package) you wish to run. Karate is flexible, you can easily over-write config variables within each individual test-script - which is very convenient when in dev-mode or rapid-prototyping. System.setProperty("karate.env", "pre-prod"); ...