【多人合作/猫武士AU】Next Up Forever - Complete Warrior Cats Boon AU MAP 2.4万 205 12:13 App 【猫武士二十周年纪念】Warrior Cats 20 Years - COMPLETE MAP 5252 1 01:13 App Who are u really? part12猫武士MAP 3.8万 93 01:26 App 【猫武士】豹星&虎星 - YOUNG GOD - PMV 15.3万 153 03:...
Firestar, a former kittypet drawn into the forest by a mysterious calling, must meet challenges far greater than the Clans have ever known. It is up to this fiery young tom to uncover hidden truths, face terrible danger, and reveal the meaning behind StarClan’s prophecy: “Fire alone wil...
在返家并参与了一场莓心与她的同志族猫所参与的会议后,日束对母亲思考方式的怀疑只增不减,因为在会上他们指控边须将白咳症带到了影族,谴责她是一名永远不会被影族真正接纳的叛徒。 莓心为边须设下了恶毒的骗局,让其因将猎物交给天族而惹上麻烦,最终巩固了日束的立场——她将会反对母亲针对所谓的换族者(英...
When prey began to disappear from the prey pile at night, Brightheart worried that one of her Clanmates may have been stealing it, perhaps to share with another Clan. There were cats who once supported Tigerclaw among her Clanmates, and there was also his son, Bramblepaw. While the appre...
当然,每一位艾琳和创作团队都会自己撰写一些文章,我们的开发人员也会在幕后推动齿轮的运转并带来各种更新,例如图片评选、同人挑战、新的CreatorClan简介等等。 3. 为网站工作的人读过《猫武士》吗?他们会围绕猫武士系列展开讨论吗?你们有最喜欢的或者最不喜欢的书吗?
Springschweif erzählt vomKampfzwischen den vierClans, wo er zusammen mitSchwarzkralle,MorgenblumeundSchilfbartTeil einerKampfpatrouilleist. Sie verjagen imverlassenen ZweibeinernestKatzen desSchattenClans, wobei sie den SchattenClan-KriegerSpinnenfußentdecken, der sich in einer Ecke versteckt und so...
On the verge of a bitter leaf-bare, ShadowClan stands on the brink of its own destruction. Its leader, Brokenstar, is bent on nothing but battle and revenge. His former mentor, retired warrior Nightpelt, hasn’t had an easy path, but he has always put his Clanmates first. So when ...
WarriorCats.com/星族:新读者指南 译文 在第一本书的引子、拉斯特首度登场前,星族的概念就被介绍给《猫武士》的读者们。蓝星和斑叶以虔诚的口吻谈论她们的祖先,渴望得到他们的指引,结果斑叶通过一颗流星的幻象理解了他们降下的预言——“只有火能拯救雷族”。
With their reputation for being the “strange” cats on the edge of the Lake Territory — with their fish-heavy diet, their love of swimming, and their habit of decorating their dens with random objects found around their territory — RiverClan is often seen as “mysterious” to not only ...
WarriorCats.com/让河族卓越的五大事物 译文 在拉斯特努力在族群中为自己挣得一席之地时,新读者很快就会发现自己被带入了他们的世界之中。但到底是什么让每个族群独树一帜,让他们以自己的方式大放异彩呢?今天,我们就来看看五大让河族变得卓越的事物! 第五:他们的孤立感...