Some cats have faced strong resistance for such choices. While Clan cats place a lot of pride and importance on their names, at the end of the day, it is loyalty that makes a warrior, not their name, and that’s what matters more than anything else. Want to know what your own ...
: The future's in your paws. Shape it well. Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place during the time before the cats in the books existed.
ART Heathertail Official Post I promise you all that I will lead WindClan with the fierce devotion of a father and the pure love of a mother. –TallstaraboutWindClan Tallstar's Revenge Official Post QUIZ How well do you know Firestar’s kin?
【猫武士/蛛足】Repeat Until Death - COMPLETE Spiderleg MAP(直到有天我会死去) 1886 1 00:55 App 【猫武士/三力量黑化】DR3AMS|Animation meme 1954 0 00:07 App 【猫武士/冬青叶/part】Wozwald part 6 1763 0 00:36 App 【猫武士/冬青叶】CURS3D|Animation meme 4962 0 01:11 App 【已授权】KEPT...
换族(英Clan-swapping)虽然是目前猫儿们口中的热门议题,但这在《猫武士》中并非什么崭新的概念。但猫儿们为何要更变族群的原因有所变化。在被雷族接纳前,黄牙曾被影族放逐;而尽管在雷族长大,褐皮追随她的父亲虎星前往影族。(她的兄弟黑莓掌留在雷族,最终成为了它的族长。)在银溪难产死后,灰条为了他们的幼崽羽...一路走来-《天穹将倾》 (英 译文 一名挫败的武士逃离了他的原生族群,在松树林中寻求全新的生活;在对至亲的忠诚和所相信的正确之事间,一名武士进退两难;一名年轻的巫医意识到她的幻象只是她自己的想像,因误导她的族群走上歧路而感到崩溃;在一名将他的爪子伸得太远的族长的掌中,一个没有族长的...
Springschweif erzählt vomKampfzwischen den vierClans, wo er zusammen mitSchwarzkralle,MorgenblumeundSchilfbartTeil einerKampfpatrouilleist. Sie verjagen imverlassenen ZweibeinernestKatzen desSchattenClans, wobei sie den SchattenClan-KriegerSpinnenfußentdecken, der sich in einer Ecke versteckt und so...
A Clan in Need Manga: Ravenpaw's PathIn the second book of the Ravenpaw’s Path manga arc, find out what happened to Ravenpaw after he left ThunderClan in Warriors #1: Into the Wild. Ravenpaw and Barley have been driven away from their farm by a group of vicious cats. Now the ...
When prey began to disappear from the prey pile at night, Brightheart worried that one of her Clanmates may have been stealing it, perhaps to share with another Clan. There were cats who once supported Tigerclaw among her Clanmates, and there was also his son, Bramblepaw. While the appre...