WindClan Strength & Speed Swift, Hardy 3 K HISTORY 231 178 45 487 ART Heathertail Official Post I promise you all that I will lead WindClan with the fierce devotion of a father and the pure love of a mother. –TallstaraboutWindClan...
“I was not a forest-born cat, but ThunderClan welcomed me.” Find all about the former kittypet drawn into the forest by a mysterious calling.
我们有一个受雇于Working Partners(从属于Coolabi Group)的内容编辑小组,他们负责网站上的所有内容,并与哈珀柯林斯和创作团队密切合作,以确保内容的质量和准确性。当然,每一位艾琳和创作团队都会自己撰写一些文章,我们的开发人员也会在幕后推动齿轮的运转并带来各种更新,例如图片评选、同人挑战、新的CreatorClan简介等等。换族者:他们会留下吗? (英Clan-swappers: are they here to stay?) 作者:英 (站内截图 译文 成为一名武士意谓着什么?每隔一段时间就会有一只族群猫离开族群领地,远行并遇上从未听闻过族群或武士的猫,并好奇他们存在的意义。每名武士都必须自行决定该如何回答这个问题,但有一点所有猫都一致认同...
Springschweif erzählt vomKampfzwischen den vierClans, wo er zusammen mitSchwarzkralle,MorgenblumeundSchilfbartTeil einerKampfpatrouilleist. Sie verjagen imverlassenen ZweibeinernestKatzen desSchattenClans, wobei sie den SchattenClan-KriegerSpinnenfußentdecken, der sich in einer Ecke versteckt und so...
【多人合作/猫武士AU】Next Up Forever - Complete Warrior Cats Boon AU MAP 34.7万 4096 09:54 App 【猫武士】五巨人 - 五大族群MAP 15.3万 154 03:15 App 【猫武士】长鞭 - Fearless【AMV】 8100 2 00:07 App 【猫武士/蓝星】 StarClans Chosen Part 14 13.9万 933 03:55 App 【猫武士】火星 - IN...
【猫武士/乌爪】Toothless dance but it's Warrior Cats (Animation meme) 5438 10 00:14 App 【猫武士/火星】#shorts Chipi chipi chapa chapa "Warrior Cats" (Animation meme) 5327 3 00:08 App 【绝境狼王】True North - Winter Themed Anything MAP Part 23 6908 2 00:37 App Punk Tactics | Anim...
Bluestar is the noble leader of ThunderClan who must find the strength to hold her Clan together even as it nears the brink of destruction. Haunted by her past, Bluestar is forced to face secrets long kept hidden and reveal that things may not always be as they appear. RELATED ART My be...
When prey began to disappear from the prey pile at night, Brightheart worried that one of her Clanmates may have been stealing it, perhaps to share with another Clan. There were cats who once supported Tigerclaw among her Clanmates, and there was also his son, Bramblepaw. While the appre...