what is your warrior cat name and clan?if you think warrior cats is awesome come here this took ages so do it because its awesome1) what is your fur colour? black as night white with ginger, black or grey patches. a pretty tortoiseshell coat spotty like a leopard block colour (red ...
Graystripe is a cat in a series Warrior Cats. He is named after the grey stripe that goes down his back. In the second book he falls in love with a cat named Silverstream. He is also friends with his childhood friend Firestar. He became mates with Millie who gave birth to their kits...
Everyone is confused when Rush appears in the real world and everyone's NetNavis begin transforming into cats. It seems a powerful cat virus has escaped, and if it isn't stopped, everyone's NetNavis will permanently become cats. The episode builds up to a Godzilla-sized battle between Rush...