do nothing but pray to starclan she/he will get better. WHO CARES!!! I NEVER WANTED HIM/HER TO RULE! panic and go mad with worry, still do nothing. 7) you see a kittypet with kits hanging by her claws on the edge of a gorge. do you help? yes! a cat is a cat, and i ...
This is a list about Clan names I’ve made up! Feel free to add any names you like. This list is kinda like the top 10 warrior cat Clan names.
Salasclan1 / Loop Samhws / Loop samuelevans / Loop sandyavery / Loop sarahspins / Loop sascha-egerer / Loop sboora / Loop schernic / Loop schultze-dp / Loop schulzej / Loop scottleibrand / Loop scottmark / Loop sdemw / Loop
Also make sure that when you name your clan you name it based off of your territory or clan specialty. 3 Find some friends to be in your clan. Find a few apprentices, warriors, kits, a medicine cat, deputy, and leader if you aren't. You can talk about your new clan when your ...
Position Leader I have high hopes for you, Bluefur. You were my apprentice once, and I will always feel like your mentor. I want you to strive to become the best warrior you can be, because I believe one day ThunderClan will have need of your gifts. ...