The total voting age population of Warren, Michigan, meaning US citizens 18 or older, is 99,987. The voting age population is 47.6% male and 52.4% female. What percentage of Warren, Michigan residents are senior citizens? According to the latest census statistics, 16.2% of the residents ...
“LA County Arson Suspect is Illegal Immigrant Repeat Offender Protected By California’s Sanctuary State Policies.” Because of course he is. “The suspect, Juan Manuel Sierra-Leyva, is a Mexican national who has already been convicted of multiple crimes, but because California is a sanctuary st...
Question: As you note, in a 1980 Santa Clara Law Reviewarticle, Justice Arthur Goldberg declared: “Without actually overrulingMapp v. Ohio,which applied the exclusionary rule to the states], the present Court has riddled it so full of loopholes as to render its effect almost meaningless...
Harris also traveled to Missouri on Thursday for a St. Louis County NAACP dinner, where she praised Democratic Sen.Claire McCaskill, who is locked in a competitive re-election race, and criticized PresidentDonald Trump. Shecharacterized the political moment as an “inflection p...
Leila said her husband considered only one issue in voting on a measure: “Will this add to, or subtract from, human liberty?” But his view of liberty was decidedly cramped. His single interest was in rolling back the enlarged government that Roosevelt, and World War II, had made permanen...