is the latest national progressive icon to support Bowman — a middle school principal challenging a 16-term congressman and House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman in a New York district that spans from the Bronx to Westchester County. Read More »...
Ohio Representative Tim Ryan (Dropped out October 24, 2019) Former Pennsylvania Congressman Joe Sestak (Dropped out December 1, 2019) Billionaire Tom Steyer. (Dropped out February 29, 20020) California Representative Eric Swalwell (Dropped out July 8, 2019) Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warre...
The eight-term congressman served on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and previously chaired the Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade. GOOD TUESDAY AFTERNOON, where it’s been 96 years since California ratified the prohibition ame...
When the congressman was introduced to the crowd, he was roundly booed. 14 But he showed Warren no sign that he minded. Unshakably ethical, Howard refused offers of junkets and even turned down a part of his pay. During his first term, when the congressional salary was raised from ...