Live Now: Warren Buffett Dispenses Career Advice To Millennials.The article shares the views of U.S. billionaire and Berkshire Hathaway chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) Warren Buffett about the importance of promoting women at work.Kroll...
His advice runs the gamut of topics, not only about investing but about life in general. But today let’s stick to Buffett’s advice that could help make you rich. Here’s the surprising thing – Buffett’s wisdom seems so common sense and practical, and yet it can lead to great wealt...
Team Buffett Combs isn’t the only person close to Buffett who has shared advice in the past for those hoping to come close to the 93-year-old’s level of professional success. Billionaire Charlie Munger—the 99-year-old who has been Buffett’s right-hand man for almost five decades—sha...
Buffett is known as the Oracle of Omaha mainly for his smart financial advice. But when asked aboutthe best investment to make, he doesn’t recommend a particular stock or financial strategy. “By far the best investment you can make is in yourself,” he says. Hereiterated this adviceat t...
Well, from a self-help standpoint, if people close to you think you’re taking on too much and you’ve been labeled a “workaholic,” Buffett’s “no” advice should be a bull’s-eye to your conscience. While it’s true that many successful and high-...
Warren Buffett has been thinking about inflation for a long time. The legendary 91-year old investor had the dangers of inflation drilled into him by his Republican Congressman father, according to biographers, and has repeatedly commented on the subject throughout his investing career....
Warren Buffett is anything but average: The legendary investor has an approximatenet worth of $82 billion, making him the third richest person in the world. At 88, he still runs Berkshire Hathaway, his holding company that owns businesses like Geico, Dairy Queen and See's Candies. ...
A If you know Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hatha-way, you also know that many of his success tips go far beyond investing and aim at helping you to live a more successful life. C_1Say no to almost everything Buffett once said, "The difference between successful people and reall...
Columbia Professor Benjamin Graham taught Buffett “the two rules of investing” that Buffett has lived by throughout his massively successful career. “Rule number one: Never lose money,” Buffett says. “Rule number two: Never forget rule number one.” ...
Warren Buffett began his investing career this way but he evolved in the face of anemic net-net opportunities. With the help ofCharlie Munger, he discovered the land of outstanding businesses, the home of See’s Candy and Coca-Cola (KO). These were businesses with durable, competitive economi...