我汇总整理了沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)和查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)的股东信以及各类出版物中整理出的关于投资的最重要的100条名言警句。 由于信息来源广泛,我将综合他们最知名、最具洞察力的言论,尽量涵盖其投资哲学的核心,包括价值投资、长期主义、风险管理、心理纪律等主题。 这些名言主要来自伯克希尔·哈撒韦股东...
巴菲特称查理-芒格是“伯克希尔的建筑师” 在股东大会上播放的一部电影的结尾部分,沃伦-巴菲特(Warren Buffett)称查理-芒格(Charlie Munger)为“伯克希尔的建筑师”。这部影片有时感人至深,有时轻松幽默,目的在于向他的老朋友和商业伙伴致敬。 芒格去年去世,享年99岁——就在他100岁生日前几周。 这部短片详细介绍了...
Interestingly, Munger joined Buffett in betting big on passive. At the 2021 Daily Journal Corporation shareholder meeting, he said at a charitable institution where he had “some influence for a very long time”, its endowment accounts invested heavily in two vehicles, one of which was a...
Over the weekend, Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A), (NYSE: BRK-B) billionaires Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger criticized the business model of online brokerages like Robinhood, claiming that such trading apps take advantage of new investors’ “gambli
Warren Buffett: I know where Apple is going to be in five or ten years, but not car companies Sat, May 6 20233:56 PM EDT Elon Musk has achieved success by going for extremes, say Buffett and Munger watch now VIDEO03:12 Elon Musk overestimates himself, but he's still very talented,...
good Incentive
Howard Buffett explains how his childhood experiences influenced him to become a philanthropist. In Warren Buffett's annual letter to shareholders, the Oracle of Omaha praised his old friend and Berkshire Hathaway partner Charlie Munger who passed away in November at age 99. Buffett also had some ...
Life lessons Warren Buffett imparted to his children Howard Buffett explains how his childhood experiences influenced him to become a philanthropist. Berkshire Hathaway's CEOWarren Buffett remembered Charlie Munger, the conglomerate's former vice chairman, as the "architect" of the...
Warren Buffett Jesse Welles Eviscerates UnitedHealthcare in New Protest Song 12/13/2024 by Joseph Hudak Rollingstone.com ByteDance’s founder is China’s richest person with a net worth of $49.3 billion 10/30/2024 by Sam Gutelle Tubefilter.com ...
沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)值得信赖的知己查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)周二去世,享年99岁,在伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)留下了一个空白,投资者表示,尽管该集团制定了完善的继任计划,但仍…