Warp AI is fully integrated with the terminal to make you more powerful as you work. You can feed terminal output to Warp AI for explanations or error debugging. Warp AI lets you run commands directly from chat responses without needing to copy / paste. Warp is free, but registration is r...
(The Cachix cache is only trusted for this store-path realization.) For the Cachix download to work, your user must be in thetrusted-userslist or you can usesudosince root is effectively trusted. Or,build yourself: nix-build -A warp-terminal https://github.com/r-ryantm/nixpkgs/archive...
GitHub 地址:https://github.com/warpdotdev/Warp Warp 号称自己“Reinvent the Terminal”,也就是重新定义了终端,用过 vscode 的小伙伴是不是对这句口号似曾相识? 是的,vscode 号称自己“Code editing Redefined”,也就是重新定义了代码编辑器。 一、安装 Warp 直接到官网warp.dev点击「download now」就可以下载...
GitHub 地址:https://github.com/warpdotdev/Warp Warp 号称自己“Reinvent the Terminal”,也就是重新定义了终端,用过 vscode 的小伙伴是不是对这句口号似曾相识? 是的,vscode 号称自己“Code editing Redefined”,也就是重新定义了代码编辑器。 一、安装 Warp 直接到官网warp.dev点击「download now」就可以下载...
Warp 号称自己“Reinvent the Terminal”,也就是重新定义了终端,用过 vscode 的小伙伴是不是对这句口号似曾相识? 是的,vscode 号称自己“Code editing Redefined”,也就是重新定义了代码编辑器。 一、安装 Warp 直接到官网warp.dev点击「download now」就可以下载最新版了。下载完成后,双击安装包就可以安装了。完成...
terminal emulation to achieve: full redraw on connection top status bar terminal truncation no resize required anymore web-socket / HTTPS instead of raw sockets v0.0.5 "cipher" e2e encryption based on warp ID future releases warp voice :warplets you voice-over a warp ...
Today, I’m proud to officially introduce Warp, a from-first-principles reinvention of the terminal to make it work better for developers and teams. As of today, Warp is in public beta and any Mac user can download and use it for free. ...
Terminal Colony (Hyperbolic) > "a game created in 48 hours for Global Game Jam 2018" - Author's description [https://hyperbolicmagnetism.itch.io/terminal-colony] Download on itch.io [https://hyperbolicmagnetism.itch.io/terminal-colony] (Windows, Mac) Play on itch.io [https://hyperbolicmagn...
Warp 的学习曲线略微陡峭,但一旦你掌握了它的工作原理,你就会发现它简直是终端的终极理想境界。 译自Warp Is a Power User's Dream Terminal for Linux,作者 Jack Wallen。 我从90 年代后期就开始使用Linux,这意味着很早我就不得不依赖终端窗口(因为当时的 GUI 远不如现在)。我对命令行非常熟悉,几乎所有Linux...
(you can find it in the Platform Tools) ● Minicom or other terminal emulation software You don't need to download all the SDK but just the Android SDK and Platform tools using the SDK Manager. ...