最近两年重度依赖Terminal。现在基本上本地开发用Windows Terminal + WSL2,Linux运维用Tabby。 关于Tabby可以看我的这篇文章: 陈龙:Tabby-跨越堡垒机的SSH利器-基础篇但现在还有一个超级牛X的Terminal存在,就…
Warp 是一款现代化的终端工具,最初在MacOS上发布后备受好评。自从上线以来,Linux支持一直是 Warp 的最高票功能请求。现在,Linux 用户可以在Ubuntu、Fedora、Arch Linux或 RedHat 等发行版上安装 Warp。 Warp for Linux 的特性与 Mac 版本非常相似,包括: 基于Rust 编写,所有图形渲染都直接在GPU上完成,性能极佳。 支...
tukanoidd Most likely this will not be feasible, but wsl2 supports graphical X11 apps, more or less, so maybe? alokedesaiSep 4, 2023 Maintainer I'm not positive if that would be feasible, but we do plan on building Warp for Windows once we've wrapped up building Linux (no concrete ti...
我原本的环境是 win11 + wsl2(Ununtu22.04LTS),但后来发现 wsl 在某些时候的启动和响应速度还是会比较慢,一开始我以为是 Ubuntu 太“重”了,于是换了 Debian,但并没有立竿见影的改善。再加上 wsl 每次开启和关闭代理都要重启,以及有的软件比如终端模拟器要装在 windows 上,导致配置文件很难找,还有其他的一些...
再加上 wsl 每次开启和关闭代理都要重启,以及有的软件比如终端模拟器要装在 windows 上,导致配置文件很难找,还有其他的一些不方便。种种原因结合之下,我决定还是装双系统。 其实我之前装过双系统,当时还是 Ubuntu20.04LTS 刚发布的时候,装了 Ubuntu。但当时对 Linux 并不太熟悉,在 Linux 下用着vscode和 idea ...
sudo vi /usr/local/etc/ts-warp_nftables.sh # on Linux with iptables sudo cp /usr/local/etc/ts-warp_iptables.sh.sample /usr/local/etc/ts-warp_iptables.sh sudo vi /usr/local/etc/ts-warp_iptables.sh # on Windows WSL2 (Ubuntu) with iptables; Required packages for CLI: clang/gcc, ...
Initially I thought it was running out of VRAM due to running two processes on a single GPU while sampling so many orientations, but the same thing happens if I set processes to 1 and use a 48GB A6000 on a 128 core, 1TB RAM server (also baremetal Linux, not WSL). I also tested ...
One-Step Execution (Linux / WSL)bash <(curl -sL dist.1-2.dev/warp-up)or (Windows / Powershell)PowerShell -Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope Process; iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SoftCreatR/warp-up/main/install-warp-up.ps1 | iex && bash warp-up.sh"...
This is written for Linux, with the exception of the "macOS only" and "Windows only" sections. Many of the other items apply or can be installed on other Unices or macOS (or even Cygwin). The focus is on interactive Bash, though many tips apply to other shells and to general Bash sc...