warning: this is the location of the previous definition 警告原因: 连续出现这种两个警告,可能的一种情况是,你在你的.c文件中包含了两个.h 文件,而这两个.h文件都对MY_DEBUG进行了声明。 解决办法:只在一个文件中声明这种东东。 类型11: 显示:warning: value computed is not used 警告原因:参与运算的...
warning: this is the location of the previous definition 警告原因: 连续出现这种两个警告,可能的一种情况是,你在你的.c文件中包含了两个.h 文件,而这两个.h文件都对MY_DEBUG进行了声明。 解决办法:只在一个文件中声明这种东东。 类型11: 显示:warning: value computed is not used 警告原因:参与运算的...
类型1:显⽰:warning: implicit declaration of function 'Example()'。警告原因:在你的.c⽂件中调⽤了函数Example(),可是你并没有把声明这个函数的相应的.h⽂件包含进来。有可能你在⼀个.c⽂件中定义了这个函数体,但并没有在.h中进⾏声明。解决⽅法:你可以在调⽤这种函数的.c⽂件的...
value computed is not used 这个值没有被使用 在有逗号出现的地方Warning较多 s = x[1], y[1];//注意,这里y[1]虽然在表达式中//但它的值却并没有对表达式的值(变量s)的值有影响//请确认是否把其它运算符号写成了逗号s=x[1]+y[1]; ‘gets’ was not declared in this scope the `gets' functio...
warning: this is the location of the previous definition 警告原因: 连续出现这种两个警告,可能的一种情况是,你在你的.c文件中包含了两个.h 文件,而这两个.h文件都对MY_DEBUG进行了声明。 解决办法:只在一个文件中声明这种东东。 类型11: 显示:warning: value computed is not used ...
StatusNotStarted StatusOffline StatusOK StatusOKNew StatusOKNoColor StatusOKOutline StatusPaused StatusPausedOutline StatusReady StatusRequired StatusRequiredOutline StatusRunning StatusRunningNoColor StatusSecurityCritical StatusSecurityOK StatusSecurityWarning StatusStopped StatusStoppedOutline StatusStrip StatusSuppressed...
'You have not set a mailbox yet. The mailbox binding can be used to retrieve passwords and receive notifications.', 'userCenter.securitySettings.updateEmail.modal.title': 'Update email', 'userCenter.securitySettings.updateEmail.form.label.newEmail': 'New email', 'userCenter.securitySettings.updat...
The rule is supposed to be that stored properties cannot be used to override at all, because it makes observing accessors ambiguous. (Are they wrapping the new storage, or the superclass's implementation?) The intended workaround is to make a new property and forward to that one from the...
The adjusted ORs were used as the weights on points to calculate the dynamic risk scores. Predictors with ORs between 0.9 and 1.1 were not used. Score weights were assigned as 1, 2, 3, or 4 points if the corresponding OR was 1.1–1.5, 1.6–2.0, 2.1–2.5, or >2.5, respectively. ...
Therefore, Bayesian optimization algorithm (BOA) is used in this study to fine the parameters of all models, thereby obtaining the optimal hyperparameters for each model28. The third step involves model evaluation and application. This part primarily assesses the superiority of the models using ...