V696. The 'continue' operator will terminate 'do { ... } while (FALSE)' loop because the condition is always false. V697. Number of elements in the allocated array equals the size of a pointer in bytes. V698. Functions of strcmp() kind can return any values, not only -1, 0, or...
The connection is open. That's where the code came from. You always have to close the body. There's nothing ambiguous about "always". bxqgit commentedon Feb 4, 2016 bxqgit on Feb 4, 2016 Author #2158 (comment) "Most call body().string() which closes it for you." ...
It will be showing a blue screen for 10 minutes and after that will login. This user is having problem in all domain controllers that he logs in. No other domain admins are affected while logging onto the same domain controllers. Only this administrator account is affected....
How to terminate or exit a for loop when the user clicks on stop button How to transfer one vb project to another computer? How to troubleshoot yellow warning icon next to reference how to turn on context menu in RIch Text Box? how to Underline a Perticular string in Vb.net?? How to...
C# Setting a window to always on bottom C# will not let me use a pointer and the code it not with with out one C# - change windows color scheme C# - How do you send message from server to clients C# - 'Using' & 'SQLConn', Does the connection close itself when falling out of sc...
Although password will not expiry, this value still exists. Wednesday, May 26, 2010 7:26 AM Hi, since you set the password to never expire. This setting should not affect anything. This setting notifies the use the numer of days before the password will expire, the default is 14. See ...
I want to provide read only access to security event logs of all client pc in domain to one group, throw GPO. I want to update Java on machines through Group policy. I would like to deploy a Power Point Template through group policy to set as defualt Icons on Desktop in GPO IE 11 ...
Other than that perhaps place a try/catch block around your code and then no warnings will appear. Of course your code will not be able to do anything with the Excel Workbook regarding using macros with it either most likely.La vida loca...
So we will check if not flag means if flag is false then show the messagebox and make the flag true so that the condition will be false always. Hence message box will be displayed only once. Thanks, A.m.a.LFriday, March 13, 2009 7:57 AM | 1 voteEither you need to poll data...
C# Setting a window to always on bottom C# will not let me use a pointer and the code it not with with out one C# - change windows color scheme C# - How do you send message from server to clients C# - 'Using' & 'SQLConn', Does the connection close itself when falling out of sc...