The warning is not issued if any function definition matches the exact signature, even if the code is disabled as below: #if 0 void _TEST::Func(const struct _REF* pRefStruct) { } #endif Similarly, Function definition for ‘…’ not found. is given for ...
float: left; inline-block is ignored due to the float. If 'float' has a value other than 'none', the box is floated and 'display' is treated as 'block'css(propertyIgnoredDueToDisplay) .class div { color: #e67e22; font-size: 150%; height: 54px; width: 54px; border: 2px sol...
declaration of built-in function '%0' requires inclusion of the header ucontext.h -Wc++-compat %select{|empty }0%select{struct|union}1 has size 0 in C, %select{size 1|non-zero size}2 in C++ -Wc++11-compat explicit instantiation cannot be 'inline' -Wc++11-compat explicit instantiation...
// Inlining works best for functions with parameters of functional types return this != null && this.isNotEmpty() } Kotlin的inline关键字会将对应的方法内联到调用者的方法体,减少进栈出栈操作 inline最好的场景是处理函数类型参数,比如lambda 刻意的inline可能导致方法体膨胀,增大class文件大小。 处理这种警...
Nothing to Inline(作用不大的内联) @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") inline fun String?.isNotNullNorEmpty(): Boolean { //Expected performance impact of inlining // 'public inline fun String?.isNotNullNorEmpty(): Boolean // defined in com.example.warningsaserrorscases in file NothingToInlineWar...
StatusChangedInline StatusError StatusErrorNew StatusErrorNoColor StatusErrorOutline StatusExcluded StatusExcludedOutline StatusFilter StatusHelp StatusHelpOutline StatusHidden StatusInformation StatusInformationNoColor StatusInformationOutline StatusInformationOutlineNoColor StatusInvalid StatusInvalidOutline Status...
1、code will never be executed -Wno-unreachable-code 全局禁用警告 -Wunreachable-code 全局启用警告 2、Unused Entity Issue / unused function 'xxxxx' -Wno-unused-function全局禁用-Wunused-function全局启用 三、警告参考: ...
StatusChangedInline StatusError StatusErrorNew StatusErrorNoColor StatusErrorOutline StatusExcluded StatusExcludedOutline StatusFilter StatusHelp StatusHelpOutline StatusHidden StatusInformation StatusInformationNoColor StatusInformationOutline StatusInformationOutlineNoColor StatusInvalid StatusInvalidOutline StatusIn...
static __inline__ function1(){ function definition; } I changed: a.h: static function1(); a.c: #include "a.h" static function1(){ function definition; } On doing above I got the warning: warning: function function1 is used but not defined. Could you please let me know why...
StatusChangedInline StatusError StatusErrorNew StatusErrorNoColor StatusErrorOutline StatusExcluded StatusExcludedOutline StatusFilter StatusHelp StatusHelpOutline StatusHidden StatusInformation StatusInformationNoColor StatusInformationOutline StatusInformationOutlineNoColor StatusInvalid StatusInvalidOutline Status...