warn含义与caution相同,但语气较重,尤指重后果。 caution主要指针对有潜在危险而提出的警告,含小心从事的意味。 advise普通用词,泛指劝告,不涉及对方是否听从劝告。 admonish一般指年长者或领导对已犯错误的或有过失的人提出的忠告或警告以避免类似错误。
This partly explained why the WHO said in the statement that the COVID-19 virus "is continuing to cause high levels of morbidity and mortality, particularly among vulnerable human populations." In the United States, about 80 million cases have been registered and the national death toll is clos...
Sky News has learnt that dozens of bosses from pub, restaurant and hotel operators have agreed to sign a letter to the chancellor calling her inaugural fiscal statement "regressive in [its] impact on lower earners" and warning that "business closures and job losses within a year" are inevitabl...
Parents and other caregivers should immediately stop using Mamibaby, Yoocaa, DHZJM, Cosy Nation and Hyhuudth baby loungers after the suffocation deaths of five infants, federal safety regulators urged Thursday. Separately, owners of DNYSYSJ and OUKANING cradle swings are being cautioned against thei...
They revealed that cases of motorists driving through flooded roads are common and cautioned drivers not to underestimate the speed and depth of the water to avoid fatal crashes. They told passengers traveling in public transport to speak out against dangerous reckless driving during this festive sea...
The federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) similarly warns consumers to be on guard to possible scams after natural disasters. "Exercise caution in handling emails with hurricane-related subject lines, attachments or hyperlinks," CISA said in an October 8alerton its website....
While ClearCommands enhances AlertScript's functionality, it's important to exercise caution when using them with wildcard-based mappings (*). This is because such mappings may not behave as expected with ClearCommands, especially in complex alert scenarios where multiple alerts might be active simu...
“This errs on the side of caution.” If there are threats or perceived threats of school shootings, Portantino’s proposal goes farther than the Assembly-approved bill by requiring investigators to check the state’s firearm database to see if the suspect’s family has registered ...
In another anti-monopoly push, Chinese regulators on Tuesday cautioned the country's leading internet platforms on Alibaba's record $2.78 billion fine for abusing dominant market position, and allocated them one-month grace time for rectification. ,手机
However, recent reports from China suggest that certain Apple Stores are cautioning against using Android charging cables with the newiPhone 15, citing potential overheating concerns. Safety Concern or Sales Strategy? These warnings came to light when an Apple exclusive store in Foshan, Guangdong Prov...