However, some destinations such as Norway and Iceland are world renowned for their water visibility. It's so clear that for a second you may even forget that you're underwater. In conclusion, one is just as good as the other when it comes to the warm vs cold water diving debate. Both...
For intrinsic attributes, the results show that a price premium exists for warm-water shrimp and has a larger impact on low-income households. Freshness creates a price premium for warm-water shrimp, but cold-water shrimp faces price discounts. For extrinsic attributes, private labels lead to a...
The foods were grouped into warm foods (i.e., foods perceived as having a warm temperature: savory foods), cold foods (i.e., foods perceived as having a cool temperature: fruits), and control foods (vegetables and sweets). The results indicated that ambient warm temperatures decreased ...
🚯 :do_not_litter: 🚱 :non-potable_water: 🚳 :no_bicycles: 🚷 :no_pedestrians: 🚸 :children_crossing: ⛔ :no_entry: ✳️ :eight_spoked_asterisk: ✴️ :eight_pointed_black_star: 💟 :heart_decoration: 🆚 :vs: 📳 :vibration_mode: 📴 :mobile_phone_off: ...
A hedonic price study on warm- and cold-water shrimp in danish retail saledoi:10.1080/13657305.2019.1669228Venticia HukomMax NielsenIsaac Ankamah-YeboahRasmus NielsenTaylor & Francis