1. To raise slightly in temperature; make warm: warmed the rolls a bit more; warm up the house. 2. To make zealous or ardent; enliven. 3. To fill with pleasant emotions: We were warmed by the sight of home. v.intr. 1. To become warm: The rolls are warming in the oven. 2. ...
除了“warming up”这个短语本身,英语中还有一些与其相关的短语和表达。例如,“warm-up exercise”指的是热身运动或准备活动,“warm-up lap”指的是在赛车或跑步比赛中,选手在正式开始比赛前进行的一圈或几圈慢跑,以熟悉赛道或调整状态。此外,“warm-up act”指的是在演唱...
Hi! We have encountered an issue when a Rate limiter has been set up with 1 permits per second, and a ZERO duration. This resulted in a RateLimiter, which gave out permits without any limitation. Further investigation revealed that any w...
Just when pandemic-induced skin hunger seemed to be reaching a boiling point, the sextech industry has swept in with a new innovation to try to help us get through it: sex toys that warm up. Now, warming up your sex toys isn't an entirely new idea, per se. Temperature play is actua...
Im trying to configure two lambdas to warm up, but the plug in doesn't detect them, I'm getting: Serverless: WarmUP: no lambda to warm Serverless: Installing requirements of requirements.txt in .serverless... with this configuration: cus...
Today, you’re gonna learn the importance of warming up, and how to warm up with specific video routines…because I’m a nice person. This is so critical for training safely that whenever we design a workout for our coaching clients, it always starts with a proper warm-up. So I’m ...
Warming up is a higher priority forathletesin their 30s and above. For people over the age of 50, it is imperative. For seniors, this warm-up make can make an effectivelow-impactexercise routine, depending on how much time theexerciserhas and their currentfitnesslevel. ...
"Warming up"通常用于正式的教学文档中,强调活动的准备性质,暗示了这是一个系统性、有目的的热身环节。而"warm up"则更多用于口语表达或非正式场合,它更简洁,侧重于活动本身。在设计教案时,建议使用"warming up",因为它更符合正式的教学环境,能够更好地体现教师对课程的严谨态度。同时,使用"...
Let’s face it, most of you don’t like warming up. You’d rather skip the warm up entirely so you and the barbell can get busy. And when you haven’t got all the time in the world to train, you’re more likely to cut the parts of your training you don’t like. Oftentimes,...