通常包含几分钟的progressive cardio,pulse raiser提升心率和呼吸率, 提升 core temperature, and pumps oxygenated blood into your muscles. Pulse raiser帮助减轻乳酸效应。5分钟的Pulse raiser是必要的。不需要太长时间,毕竟你要warm up 而不是 wear yourself out .你只要做一个Pulse raiser,而不是 a cardio work...
5 minute WARM UP You Can Do BEFORE ANY WORKOUT 38 related questions found What are the 5 components of a warm up? Terms in this set (5) Pulse raiser. Eg- jogging and skipping. Slowly increases heart rate and body temperature.
Pulse raiser. Eg- jogging and skipping. Slowly increases heart rate and body temperature. Mobility. Eg-arm swing and hip circles. ... Dynamic movement. Eg-shuttle runs. ... Stretching. Eg-groin walk and open and close the gate. ... Skill rehearsal. Eg-passing drills for football....
This line is the curtain raiser for Warren’s poem, Paradigm. Every day yawned like a week —Donald Seaman Forty-five minutes passed, like a very slow cloud —Dylan Thomas Here [at a country inn] time swings idly as a toy balloon —Phyllis McGinley The hours weighed like centuries on hi...