Bryan, K., and S. Manabe, 1988: ‘Ocean circulation in warm and cold climates.’ In Physically-Based Modelling and Simulation of Climate and Climatic Change, Vol. II, M. E. Schlesinger, ed., Kluwer Academ: Publishers, 951–966.
Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction and the Tropical Climatology. Part II: Why the Pacific Cold Tongue Is in the East tropical Pacific is studied in a model for the interaction of equatorial SST, the associated component of the Walker circulation, and upper-ocean dynamics... ...
In the Western Arctic, the largest reservoir of heat in the upper ocean (above ~200 m depth) is Pacific Summer Water (PSW)12,13. PSW originates as Pacific ocean water entering through Bering Strait, and is considerably warmed while transiting across the shallow Chukchi shelf during summer ...
Extreme warm episodes in the southeast Atlantic Ocean, known as Benguela Nios, have devastating environmental impacts and have been shown to be remotely forced. To place these extreme events into perspective, the investigation is here extended to minor warm events as well as to cold episodes. To...
and values over all other ocean regions are derived from HadISST.b–dThe surface temperature trend over the same period derived from CESM1 simulations with SSTs nudged to HadISST over the Atlantic (b), Pacific (c), and Indian Oceans (d). The regions outlined in green define the locations ...
The findings are incompatible with the idea that the tropics serve as an evolutionary cradle for marine fish diversity, and also raise questions about whether the rapid cold-ocean speciation reflects a recent and ongoing expansion of marine diversity there. ...
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is fed by waters entering the South Atlantic from the Indian Ocean mainly via the Agulhas Current (AC) system and by waters entering from the Pacific through Drake Passage (DP), commonly referred to as the warm and cold water routes, ...
Schematic circulation of the western Arctic Ocean and place names. The main flow pathways of Pacific water across the Chukchi shelf are shown by the light red arrows. The Barrow Canyon outflow, Beaufort Shelfbreak Jet, and Chukchi Slope Current are marked by the red arrows, where the dashed ...
Those that flow flow from the polar regions carry cold water. The map below shows the strong ocean current off the East Coast of the United States, called the Gulf Stream. D 因为他们可以帮助温暖或凉快的土地,表面潮流是重要的。 从地区流动在赤道附近的表面潮流运载温暖的水。 从极性地区流动流程...
The intrusion of relatively warm water onto the continental shelf is widely recognized as a threat to Antarctic ice shelves and glaciers grounded below sea level, as enhanced ocean heat increases their basal melt. While the circulation of warm water has