Kentucky based act impressing as dark and moody heavy metal with periodic Goth tinctures. It works in that despite some production misgivings (the groups records budget was just $2500),Show
Yung Lean’s Second Chance / The FADER 转载 一篇fader杂志的长文章,Warlord发行前后的,算是reddit上最广为流传的yung lean的文章吧,粗略翻译,趁粉丝们都在兴奋地听新专Starz中。---Yung Lean’s Second ChanceYung Lean以一个局外人的身份走近美国说唱界,声名鹊起,然后悲剧发生了。一年后,他有机会做得更好。
AS: Well the biggest reason was he needed a worthy antagonist, because it wasn’t even in the book. There was nothing to fight against him that is consistent through the entire novel. He had villains that would last a couple of chapters and I also knew that we had gotten the rights to...