Healers - Disc Priest and Flex Healers (main spec DPS) Ranged DPS - Balance Druid - High Priority* Melee DPS - Enhancement Shaman and Unholy Death Knight All exceptional players will be considered regardless of class and spec. Current progression Sanctum of Domination Normal - 10/10 Heroic - ...
Go to the top floor of one of the houses nearby and use both items on the Void Prism you find there. Kill the level 36 elite that spawns to loot the rune. Shadow and Flame Rune Shadow and Flame is a Warlock Rune for the Belt slot. Here’s how to get it: Pick up the quest Hig...
SOD warlock tanking question Replies:2 Views: 4,776 OGhawaiian 2023-12-06,01:39 AM Page 1 of 810 1 2 3 11 51 101 501 ...Last Quick NavigationWarlockTop MMO-Champion »Forum »Class Discussions » Warlock Thread Display Options ...
Best Warlock Leveling Spec We’ll be using theafflictiontalent specialization for this warlock leveling guide. Affliction is a powerful solo build that can chain pull enemies with little to no downtime.Demonologyis also a fine option for leveling, but it’s not as efficient as affliction. Destru...