Note that the level 60 mount cannot be obtained until Phase 2, when the Dire Maul West dungeon is added to the game. Warlock Felsteed Mount (Level 40) To get your first mount at level 40, seek out one of the following Warlock trainers: Alliance: Demisette Cloyce at The Slaughtered La...
Expansion: WotLK Classic PvP Destruction Warlock Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-Bis & Best In Slot (BiS) Glyphs, Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Welcome to the Destruction Warlock PvP guide for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King! In this guide,...
And whilst your pet is a lot more sturdy compared to The Burning Crusade due to the changes to Avoidance, there are still fights where we can not use our pet every phase. Demonology Warlock Utility Besides their damage, Demonology Warlocks bring the following raid buffs & debuffs to a raid...
Considering [Improved Demonic Tactics] increases the chance to trigger [Demonic Pact] this seems like it should be mandatory if you’re in a raid specifically support, which is probably the case phase 2 and onward. 0 Reply Dudeness 1 year ago it says you can carry multiple HS but you...
Affliction has a complex rotation centered around keeping up your DoTs (Corruption, Unstable Affliction, Curse of Agony) and Haunt on your target, while trying to use Drain Soul as much as possible during the execute (25% and below) phase. This guide wil
Whenever Bloodlust is popped, and whenever we reach the execution phase, plenty of other casters also have special abilities that scale of spell power and deal extra damage during the last quarter health of the boss. Just as with Metamorphosis knowing the encounter will make a big difference ...
1.2. TBC Phase 5 / Sunwell Plateau Destruction Warlock Tier Set Tier 6 is the third Tier set that you can obtain in TBC Classic and is famously known for the wings that occasionally come out at random. Not only does it look amazing, it also has an extremely powerful 4-set bonus which...