Warlocks are one of two classes that get unique mounts specifically for their class, the other being Paladins. Both classes get a basic mount at level 40 and an epic version at level 60. Your level 40 mount as a Warlock is free, and your level 60 mount c
The Dreadsteed of Xoroth is the level 60 epic warlock mount in World of Warcraft Classic. The Summon Dreadsteed spell, which enables a warlock to ride a Dreadsteed, is learned from a long quest line which is outlined below. As with all other epic mounts
Skinning is often one people like while leveling, HOWEVER, warlocks really don’t have a ton of inventory space to spare and it really slows you down, all for slightly more gold while leveling, that you don’t even need because you get your mount at 40 for free. Imo you can make up...
The current highest damage and DPS for a melee weapon is Shadowmourne, a legendary quality axe obtained from a quest line in Icecrown Citadel. Only available for Warriors, Paladins and Death Knights. Shadowmourne is a legendary two-handed axe which is... Read more Jan 30 What's the Best...
Quest Objective: Go into Stratholme and rescue Ysida Harmon from Baron Rivendare. The goal behind this step in the quest series is to rescue Ysida Harmon from the evil clutches of Baron Rivendare, the end boss that can sometimes drop his mount. AE fun for Warlocks abound with all those ...