Below you will find your Pre-Raid BiS gear along with the BiS gear for each phase. TBC Classic will be released over 5 phases and with each new phase, this page will be updated. Phase 1 - Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair Pre-Raid BiS Armor Head
In phase 2, most of us have The Sun King's Talisman and to be honest, it's not that bad of a neck, however, we do have an upgrade in Phase and it might not be a drastic upgrade but five sell power and swap with the hit rating. Fired up destro for you pumpers...
Raid Leader, Main Assist, Melee Dps, Ranged Dps, Magic Dps and a Healer. I usually strive to hit all classes to max whatever I’m playing. I have hit number 2 in the world in dps
Cabernét-destromath July 16, 2019, 11:07pm 7 Judging by your post, go tailor/herb, then drop tailor for alchemy once you’ve crafted what you needed at 60. 2 Likes Xcentrick-area-52 July 16, 2019, 11:13pm 8 Rerolldog: Like for example the bloodvine set is crucial, but i ...
Go to => Top –Races –Abilities –Talents –Demo –Affliction –Destro –Stats/Gear –Profs –Tips –Level Faster Abilities for the Leveling Warlock The world changed with WoW 4.0 (Cataclysm) and again in Mists of Pandaria, especially for Warlocks, and all previous builds were wiped out in...