Below you will find an Affliction Warlock's Pre-Raid BiS gear set along with their BiS gearset for each Phase. As each phase is released, this page will be updated. Phase 1 - Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair Pre-Raid BiS Armor Head: Spellstrike
Affliction Warlock BiS and Gear Equipping gear is not enough. You must also choose suitable consumables and gear augments to maximize your character potential. Below is listed a page that can guide you through those choices as well as a page to better understand the implications each stat has ...
Best Professions Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear Addons & Macros Welcome to the home page of our Demonology Warlock Guide for WoW: Wrath of the Lich King! This guide aims to take an in-depth look at everything to do with Demonology Warlocks; each facet of what it takes to play...
Destruction Warlock BiS and Gear Equipping gear is not enough, as you also need to choose the right consumables and gear augments to maximize your character potential. The pages below can guide you through those choices and help you better understand the implications each stat has on your Warlock...
In phase 3 make a macro: /use Staff of Disintegration /cast Shadowbolt Use that with every cast pretty much. No point in searing pain because no one is dpsing her until later on in the fight when the other advisors are dead.
In phase 3 make a macro: /use Staff of Disintegration /cast Shadowbolt Use that with every cast pretty much. No point in searing pain because no one is dpsing her until later on in the fight when the other advisors are dead.
Pre-Raid BiS Resistance Rotation Talents & Builds Trinkets & Cooldowns Twin Emperor Tanking World Buffs (Obsolete) Melee Warlock Warlock Epic Mount Deathmist Tier 0.5 Doomguard Guide Warlock Shadow Resist Gear Warrior PvE Prot Warrior Tanking PvE Warrior DPS Leveling WoW Classic Leveling Guide Hord...
Below you will find your Pre-Raid BiS gear along with the BiS gear for each phase. TBC Classic will be released over 5 phases and with each new phase, this page will be updated. Phase 1 - Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair Pre-Raid BiS Armor Head
Affliction has a complex rotation centered around keeping up your DoTs (Corruption, Unstable Affliction, Curse of Agony) and Haunt on your target, while trying to use Drain Soul as much as possible during the execute (25% and below) phase. This guide wil
1 year ago Considering [Improved Demonic Tactics] increases the chance to trigger [Demonic Pact] this seems like it should be mandatory if you’re in a raid specifically support, which is probably the case phase 2 and onward. 0 Reply Dudeness 1 year ago it says you can carry multipl...