Affliction Warlock BiS and Gear Equipping gear is not enough. You must also choose suitable consumables and gear augments to maximize your character potential. Below is listed a page that can guide you through those choices as well as a page to better understand the implications each stat has ...
Destruction Warlock BiS and Gear Equipping gear is not enough, as you also need to choose the right consumables and gear augments to maximize your character potential. The pages below can guide you through those choices and help you better understand the implications each stat has on your Warlock...
Below you will find an Affliction Warlock's Pre-Raid BiS gear set along with their BiS gearset for each Phase. As each phase is released, this page will be updated. Phase 1 - Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair Pre-Raid BiS Armor Head: Spellstrike
Below you will find your Pre-Raid BiS gear along with the BiS gear for each phase. TBC Classic will be released over 5 phases and with each new phase, this page will be updated. Phase 1 - Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair Pre-Raid BiS Armor Head
Don't need to expand the database at all, icons in WoW are strange in a way that multiple items/spells use the same icon so you can't usually just search the actual item's name to find the right icon so you have to go to wowhead and search the item and find the icon code direc...