Update 5.0 launches alongside it, bringing race updates, the Nemesis Crown – a new legendary artifact similar to the Sword of Khaine – and various other changes. It was originally meant to be followed by update 5.1, which again targets bug fixes and fixing any issues that arise following th...
Fixed an issue whereSword of Khainedidn’t correctly transfer post battle if its owner died, resulting it equipping to another Lord/Hero. Fixed an issue wherevassalized factions would lose objective completionupon re-loading a save file. Fixed an issue whereauto-resolve battle results would chang...
Poison and other contact effects on ranged weapons have long been a double-edged sword. Friendly fire meant you could poison your own troops just as readily as the enemy’s, leaving you with a zero-sum result. With this update friendly fire will still cause damage, but will never inflict ...
Quick links: Abilities· Banners· Climate· Followers· Items· Legendary Lords· Lord traits· Ogre Mercenaries· Set piece battles· Sword of Khaine· Treasure hunts Total War: WarhammerCampaigns: An Eye For An Eye· The Old World (Landmarks)· The Season of Revelation...
Here’s a complete guide to Warhammer’s Age of Sigmar armies: TheGrand Alliancesof Chaos, Death, Destruction, and Order TheStormcast Eternalshost The skyfaringKharadron Overlords TheSylvanethtree spirits The bloody-handedDaughters of Khaine ...
Jutting from within the black altar stood the weapon of the Lord of Murder -- the Widowmaker, the Spear of Vengeance, the Sword of Khaine, the Godslayer. It was an accursed weapon and the moment Aenarion drew it from the altar he doomed both himself and his line.[1k] ...
Armies of Khaine Hordes of the Under-Empire Beasts of Chaos Leaders Archaon, the Everchosen Be'lakor the Dark Master Seerlord Thanquol Shadowlord Verminking Festak Krann, Champion of the Rotting Horde The Glottkin, Champions of Nurgle Arbaal the Undefeated, Champion of Khorne Dechala the Deni...
Witch Elves - Witch Elves, known also as the Brides of Khaine are the cruelest of all their heartless race, for they live only to serve Khaine's malevolent demands for bloody, agonising sacrifice. Their observances to the Lord of Murder are blood-slicked affairs. Still-beating hearts are ...
The second "Father of Dragons" is Draugnir. Legend holds that Draugnir used his fires to heat the forge of the Elven smith-God Vaul as he forged the Widowmaker, the Sword of Khaine. However the thirsting weapon took more from Draugnir than he gave, and the fate of Draugnir's line ...
To this day, these murderous Avatars of Khaine are still awoken by the craftworlds to lead the Asuryani to war. While the Aeldari still revere all the gods of the ancient pantheon and preserve their stories within the mythic cycles, they do not call on them for aid or hope for their...