Warhammer: the Old World is a game unlike any other, in which you command mighty armies of Citadel miniatures, relying upon your own tactical ingenuity to achieve victory. This book contains all the information you need to get started in this engaging game and become the conquering general of...
Warhammer Wiki 9,160 pages Explore Main Page Discuss All Pages Community Interactive Maps Recent Blog Posts The World Historical events Great Catastrophe The Sundering War of the Beard Age of Three Emperors Vampire Wars Great War Against Chaos Night of a Thousand Arcane Duel...
This is a place where might makes right, and the largest, meanest, and most cruel dominate their rivals. Used in conjunction with Warhammer: The Old World – Ravening Hordes, this book arms you with even more in-depth rules, allowing you to use your collection of brutish Orcs and cunning...
Map of the Old World Map of the Known World All Known Warhammer Fantasy Battle Canon Sources Disclaimer This web site is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. 40k, Adeptus Astartes, Battlefleet Gothic, Black Flame, Black Library, the Black Library logo, BL ...
The newWarhammer: The Old Worldlaunches! Age of Sigmar now has it's own wiki.Explore the Mortal Realms here. Join our new communityLexicanum Discord channeland chat with your fellow Lexicanum friends! Join our newLexicanum community forumand talk to your fellow wiki enthusiasts!
Mundvard's rule however was brought to an abrupt end in 2525. When theGlottkininvaded Marienburgas part of theEnd Timesthe city's human garrisons were unable to repel them. Mundvard, his vampires and retainers were forced to cast aside all pretense and secrecy, raising a long prepared unde...
4.9The Old World 5Related Pages 6Sources History Issue 1 of White Dwarf was published in June-July 1977. It was in black and white, had only 24 pages, was bi-monthly, had many advertisements for obscure non-Games Workshop games and had no pictures of miniatures. During this timeDungeons...
The Goblins' tribes also have shamans. In some 'mixed tribes' the Orc leader can be influenced by a cunning shaman, who becomes the "power behind the throne". Goblins like to trick and to deceive the larger but slow-wittedOrcs. Usually they gamble (and cheat at it) or make unfair trad...
Warwains are large and powerful High Elf chariots ridden into battle by the nobility. [1a] Nobles in their beautifully decorated chariots sometimes engage in mock combats to choose the army commander, providing a spectacular prelude to the actual battle. [1a] Weapons and Equipment 3rd Edition...
Northern Shamans claim that when Chaos entered the world, Tzeentch was the most powerful of the four great powers but the other three joined against him, deposing him in vast battle in the Realm of Chaos. They then hurled him from a mountain peak, shattering him into ten thousand pieces th...