krakandfraggrenades and wearjump packs; however their position in the Chapter gives them access to more specialized weapons from the Chapter's armoury, such asRelic Blades.[1a]Such is the honour and rarity of this ancient weaponry that Vanguard Veterans will fight even harder to recover them ...
Terminator Assault Squad (Space Marines) Terminator Squad (Space Marines) Tyrannic War Veterans (Ultramarines) Vanguard Veteran Squad (Space Marines) Veteran Sergeant Veteran Sister Superior (Sisters of Battle) Veteran Squad Wolf Guard (Space Wolves) Categories: Imperium Titles and RanksNavigation menuPag...
On the other end of the battlefield, the Raven Guard were confronted by the treacherous Word Bearers, with their Primarch Lorgar, the First Captain Kor Phaeron and the First Chaplain Erebus at their vanguard. The two Legions fought one another in bitter combat. ...
You may also find a slightly older Combat Patrol Space Marines box, containingVanguard Space Marines, in your friendly local game store. This doesn’t have rules for Combat Patrol in 10th edition, but it’s a great start to an army. ...
Vanguard Eliminator EliminatorsareVanguardPrimaris Space Marinesnipers that utilize a range of exotic and deadly ammunition tailored to their target.[1] Eliminator Squads utilize an even more stripped-down version of theMk.X Phobos Armour, allowing them to operate with maximum stealth. These warriors...
Vanguard Infiltrator Infiltratorsare a type ofPrimaris Space MarineVanguardunit.[1] Overview Clad in Mk.XPhobos Armour[4b], Infiltrators are responsible for disrupting enemy communications and sabotaging targets of opportunity. Their back-mountedOmni-Scramblersintercept signals across a broad spectrum, ...
The martial prowess, xenophobic zeal and specialist weaponry they carry, however, mean that these Deathwatch Veterans are the equal of any entire Space Marine company. Though the greater structure of a watch fortress is traditionally kept sacrosanct, the kill-teams of a Watch Company under the ...
In the vast vaulted cargo halls of the ship, the Knights crush the Traitors underfoot and blast apart their vanguard of Terminators and Helbrutes. When a fresh wave of Chaos boarders are sent against the Penitent Blade, the Nobles order the cargo hall doors opened, so they might engage the...
Vanguard Space Marine - Covert-operation experts typically drawn from the 10th Scout Company. A Chapter will normally maintain 100 of these specialists. Neophyte— Space Marines in training who have not become fully accepted Battle-Brothers. They are utilised in a Chapter's Scout Squads as a par...
Bladeguard Veterans Sternguard Veterans Sergeant Brother Tactical Assault Devastator Aggressor Inceptor Hellblaster Eradicator Scout Vanguard Reiver Infiltrator Incursor Eliminator Suppressor Outrider Neophyte Specialists Apothecary Helix Adept Chaplain Librarian Vanguard Librarian Techmarine Master of the Arsenal...