This part I'm still unclear on. The biggest problem with GW is they refuse to not let 40k be stagnate. So i don't exactly know what i can incorporate my chapter into without some overly zealous fan boy giving me a 500 page essay on why I can't have my chapter be part of the Tu...
Amun’an Morrus is a cursed world -- its inhabitants sold their souls and their humanity to the machine, discarding flesh for armour and minds for cogitators. They were put to the sword by the Lord-Militant Angevin in 540.M39, and Amun’an Morrus was burned in the Emperor’s Fire and...
Soldevan Ordo Hereticus Slew the psi-abomination of the Bloodmind on war-torn Malice. [1b][1j][5j] Sortjarl, Rolf Dark Heresy Second Edition: Enemies Beyond, pg. 27 Specht, Ephisto Ordo Xenos Amalathian Grand Master of the Moebius Subsector. Atlas Infernal (Novel), Prologue Spino...
I think it could be fun running them as mortarion a sons and then do a load of plague spewy guys piling out of the land raider and melting the shit out of stuff. I sold 4000 points worth a while back but somehow have gone back in And Members 12.6k PostedDecember 23, 2021 @Or...
OK, this article is going to be bit long, so let me boil it down: 1. The Imperium is an oppressive galactic empire that is near its breaking point. For its subjects life is a combination of the Roman Empire, the Soviet Union, the Crusades and a Franz Kafka novel. 2. It is however...
The Vanquisher and some Lascannon fire from my Tank Commander made short work of the Dreadkninght on my right flank, hiding behind a building in most photos – near the Sentinels. Unfortunately, the rest of my tanks failed to kill any of the previously wounded Dreadnoughts. Two were now on...
Taken as a slave by the planet's ruling masters, known as the "High-Riders," the young boy was brought to the Palace Praxica, the seat of the Reksium Throne of the powerful Nucerian city-state of Desh'ea, where he was sold to the ruling clan, House Thal'kr. ...
"My sons, the galaxy is burning. We all bear witness to a final truth -- our way is not the way of the Imperium. You have never stood in the Emperor's light. Never worn the Imperial eagle. And you never will. You shall stand in midnight clad, your claws
"Lord Emperor, Father Sanguinius. We confess our unworthiness. We are unfit to stand in your name. Our blood is weak, our victories failures. In death, we repent." — Astorath the Grim, offering a final benediction for his stricken brothers before carryi
Who discovered it remains a mystery, though surely it must have been some mad Renegade Navigator or perhaps a Warp-lorn Rogue Trader whose soul he had sold in return for such terrible knowledge. Some link the discovery to both the infamous Haarlock and Winterscale dynasties of Rogue Traders...