Warhammer 40K Darktide Review - Left To Shred 02 December 2022 Chapter HistoryA rare, detailed depiction of the iconography of the Renegade Warp Ghosts; note that this symbol possibly represents a stylised coin; it is not known if the symbol is unique to a certain war machine, to the Stygian...
Warhammer 40K Darktide Review - Left To Shred 02 December 2022 Decay and DegradationThe Aeldari were a technologically advanced humanoid race, generally considered the most powerful intelligent species in the galaxy before the founding of the Imperium of Man. Their ancient empire spanned the Milky W...
Dark Future was Mod of the Month in November for the Cyberpunk 2077 community and has seen no signs of slowing down. I’ve been lucky enough to sit down with the creator of this mod, DarkFortuneTeller, to chat about their history with modding, their process working on this project and ...
Warhammer 40K Darktide Review - Left To Shred 02 December 2022 History The Milky Way Galaxy in the Era Indomitus, divided into the Imperium Sanctus and the Imperium Nihilus by the Great Rift. Thousands of worlds trapped within the territory of the Dark Imperium, such as Baal, the Chapter ...
Warhammer 40K Darktide Review - Left To Shred 02 December 2022 Sybarite A Drukhari Sybarite. Each squad of Kabalite Warriors is led by an officer called a "sybarite," typically the most veteran and experienced among their number. Sybarites are not only veteran raiders of realspace, but als...
Warhammer 40K Darktide Review - Left To Shred 02 December 2022 AftermathIn the aftermath of the Signus Campaign, Sanguinius commanded that his sons excise all evidence that the IXth Legion had ever come to the Signus Cluster. The Blood Angels gathered up every battle-brother's corpse, every bro...
"The greatest monster of all is Man. The Daemon does not choose to dwell outside the blessed Materium, nor does the xenos cast aside the holy form of Man to walk another path. Both are terrible and foul, it is true. But the heretic and the traitor were g
Maellus(Novel) by Dan Abnett Xenos(Novel) by Dan Abnett, Ch. 22 Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader(PC Game) Warhammer 40,000: Darktide(Video Game) Raven Rock Videos Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted.
"Brute force not work? It because you not use enough of it!" — Karg, Ogryn Bone'ead The Ogryn (Homo sapiens gigantus) are a huge and physically powerful Abhuman mutant subspecies of Humanity, often employed by the Imperium of Man as shock troopers in th
"There are beasts among the stars, beasts that would crush our lives, make ash of our worlds and break all that we hold sacred. The beasts wait in the dark and shunned reaches like the things glimpsed in the forests of old, things that looked out with red, shining eyes and hearts fil...