The Chaos Gods, also called the Dark Gods or the Ruinous Powers, are powerful, self-aware entities comprised solely of psychic energy who inhabit and control the psychic dimension that underlies all physical reality known as the Immaterium or the "Warp."
The realm of the Chaos Gods TheChaos Gods, also called theDark Godsor theRuinous Powers, are powerful beings of the psychic universe known as theWarp, created and sustained by the emotions and souls of every living being of the material universe. Although they are god-like beings, they are...
TypeChaos God DomainsMalice, Renegade, Anarchy, Self-Destruction Sacred Number11 SymbolsBlack and white[1][3] EnemiesAll otherGods of Chaos Overview Followers of Malice TheSons of MaliceChaos Space Marines.[1] Notable Servants of Malice
• 4 CHARACTER CLASSES, each with unique gameplay, skills and equipment • AN XXL BESTIARY with over 70 monsters aligned with the Chaos Gods and epic boss battles • OPTIMIZED FOR CO-OP: solo or with up to 4 players, local or online, the class synergy and interface have been designed...
Warhammer 40K Chaos Cultists (2007) (EN)英文电子书.pdf,By Andy Chambers Jervis Johnson Greetings citizens and welcome to the Most Beneficent Emperor’s Storm Troopers. As an aside to this mighty project, Scrivener Chapter Approved column. Approved as be
Dans un monde ravagé par les guerres et dominé par la magie, vous êtes le dernier espoir de l’Empire des Hommes face aux hordes du Chaos. Seul ou jusqu’à 4 en coop locale ou en ligne, choisissez votre héros parmi 4 classes de personnages aux comp
Back on Terra, however, he was pushing hard to enact his grand plan for humanity. Despite having outlawed all worship and talk of anything mystical, the Emperor knew full well of the dangers of the Immaterium, and the Chaos Gods that swim in its depths. ...
Daemons are created at the whim of one of the four major Chaos Gods from a fraction of the god's own power within the Immaterium and act as an extension of its will. A Daemon's appearance and intrinsic character reflect the god's own nature. These Daemons may be reabsorbed into the...
Many of theSpace MarinePrimarchs fell to theWarhammer 40k Chaosgods –Nurgle,Tzeentch,Slaanesh, andKhorne:Lorgarof the Word Bearers;Mortarionof theDeath Guard;Magnus the Redof theThousand Sons; and the warmasterHorus Lupercal, to name a few. TheWarhammer 40k factionsare littered with their trait...
• 4 CHARACTER CLASSES, each with unique gameplay, skills and equipment • AN XXL BESTIARY with over 70 monsters aligned with the Chaos Gods and epic boss battles • OPTIMIZED FOR CO-OP: solo or with up to 4 players, local or online, the class synergy and interface have been designed...