Unit Tier Icons We have expanded the range of Unit Tier Icons from 1-3 to 1-5 with the intent of adding more granularity to represent the overall power of units. (Note that these icons changes have not impacted unit power balance.) Rules & Systems Fixed the unit caps for the Regiments...
Feb 3, 2025 Advertisement Atomic Mass Games has a massive list of Grand Tournaments for the 2025-26 season up. And it all starts… Dungeons & DragonsGeneralWarhammer Warhammer 40K: Knights are Coming To Combat Patrol Feb 3, 2025 Advertisement The new issue of White Dwarf will have Combat Pat...
unblock cancel 0 badges send private message neodeinos#5871 dark master message neodeinos#5871 dark master 9 900 g2g pts 3 months ago dec 11, 2024, 3:35:32 pm unit balance changes page works at last. also can we finally have a cap on the thunderbarge in campaign like the...
Frost Blades (Augment) Crackling magical energy envelops the unit’s weapons, imbuing them with deadly new properties. Those impaled on these murderous blades will die in frozen agony. Imbues a unit with magical attacks and increased weapon damage, armour-piercing damage, and melee attack. Overca...
"Armageddon, a world whose name is known across the Imperium. Armageddon, a world whose name has become a byword for war and destruction on a massive scale. Armageddon, where the fate of a thousand worlds hangs in the balance." —Lord Commander Solar Eug
The Unification Wars, also known as the Wars of Unification, the Unity Wars, The Unification or just Unity, were a series of conflicts fought on Terra beginning in the 29th Millennium at the end of the Age of Strife and lasting until 712.M30. It was duri
The CDs had the lord, plus 3 tauruses, 4-5 CD units and plenty of slaves. And an iron daemon. Yeah, so that had a single piece of artillery. Might cause some damage before the lines closed. Then the first shot landed and basically wiped out an entire jade warrior unit. No more ...
1.1.3 M40-M41, Age of Apotheosis 2 Unit Composition 3 Wargear 4 Chaos and Loyalist Space Marine Differences 5 Champions of Chaos 5.1 Chaos Space Marine Warbands 5.2 Ascension 5.3 The Fickle Aegis of the Warp 6 Traitor Legions and Renegade Space Marine Chapters 6.1 Chaos Space Marine Traitor...
Each is a legendary engine of mass destruction whose deeds have destroyed armies at a whim and whose skill at arms have decapitated rival Exalted Heroes by the dozens. Chaos Lords are usually the commanders of the armies and warbands of the Warriors of Chaos and they may choose to dedicate ...
A unit of Zombies Zombies Wood Elf Zombies conversion by Jason Buyaki Sources 1: Warhammer Armies: Undead (4th Edition) 1a: Undead Bestiary, pg. 62 1b: Undead Army List, pg. 84 2: Warhammer Armies (3rd Edition) 2a: Undead, pg. 122 3: Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts (5th Ed...