Eugen Systems has been an independent video game developer and publisher for over 20 years. Makers of R.U.S.E, the Wargame series, the Steel Division series, and WARNO.查看完整列表 COMING SOON¥ 188.00 发布于 2024 年 5 月 23 日 ...
Today we bring you the leading titles for the 4.03 round of updates to theCivil War Battles seriesof games.Campaign Antietam&The Demowill be todays focus. This is a hefty update which brings a variety of new features - some previously introduced in theNapoleonic BattlesandMusket & Pikegames,...
Star Navy is new solitaire game set amidst the boundless expanse of space in a distant future. Assume the commanding role of a Space Destroyer alongside its fleet of agile fighters, embarking on a series of ten diverse missions that span the spectrum of interstellar conflict. Engage in open ba...
DVG has launched a new Kickstarter campaign to fund a new game in the well known and popular Leader series. The game was eagerly awaited by fans of the series and funded in the first 24 hours! So the Tiger engine is already running full speed, but there is still time left for you to...
is a quick-playing card game about hand-to-hand combat during the 16th to 18th Centuries, as inspired by films such as the Errol Flynn classics of the 1940s as well as the more recent Pirates of the Carribean series. Each player takes the role of fighters who can get their hands on ...
Battle Card: Series 1 Review 1793: Patriots & Traitors Review Purple Haze: Force Recon – Keyhole Review 1812! War on the Atlantic Seaboard Preview War Story: Occupied France Review A Greater Victory: South Mountain Review GAME REPLAYS
"A brave attempt at pushing the series forward. Unfortunately some minor issues take away the feeling of playing a really excellent game. On the other hand Wargame is being... Reviews provided byMetaCritic Wargame: Airland Battle Statistics ...
Content: Video Game: Miniature Wargame Model: Character Model: Monster Model: Terrain Model: Trooper Model: Vehicle Model: Walker Period: Medieval Period: Modern Period: WWII Proportions: Heroic Proportions: True Scale: 15mm Scale: 28mm Scale: 32mm Scale: 35mm Show: The Weekender35...
The weather expansion i have yet to try and seems compatible with the other games in the series. It seems to add mostly some extra weather inconvenience and can be tailored for the situation.The core game play is essentially:Each player (or the A.I.) has a deck.Cards are drawn (the ...
The game plays out in a series of missions, in which you’ll generate an exoplanet to loot, deploy your space hauler on one board edge, and send your employees on a frantic mission to retrieve scattered scrap before spreading darkness devours the board. Bigger piles of loot are worth more...