1 Edit Thebe 📝 Update Infobox Data General Information Region Jupiter Mission Type Sabotage Is Endless ❌ Faction Corpus Level Range 18 - 20 (Normal) 118 - 120 (The Steel Path) Tile Set Corpus Gas City Mastery EXP 51 Credit Reward ...
Daily Tribute,Nightwave,The Steel Path,Focusand Standing-Limits 13小時 12分鐘 突擊和集團任務尚餘 06小時 12分鐘 夜靈平原目前為☀️白天,距離🌙夜晚尚餘 01小時 03分鐘 29秒 奧布山谷目前為❄️寒冷距離🔥溫暖尚餘 00小時 06分鐘 30秒
Fixed performance issues caused by extremely intense blue/white VFX taking over the screen during the Kaithe phase of the Steel Path Orowyrm fight. Hotfix 35.5.8 (2024-04-24) Fixed Dante's Tragedy VFX affecting performance when repeatedly cast. Fixed Clan Emblems causing spot-load hitching in...
The Steel Path Acolytes now have received the same Status Effect eligibility treatment that Liches received in Update 27.3 earlier this year. This means we have slightly increased their health (scaled by squad size) as the Status Effect eligibility makes them easier to kill. In essence (ha),...
Level Scaling 1 500 Selected Level Reset EHP 44,418 Steel Path EHP –– Miscellaneous Codex Scans 3 Introduced Update 10.0 (2013-09-13) Drops Mod Drops Stabilizer 2.01% Spare Parts 22.11% Rebound 37.94% Quick Return 37.94% Resource Drops Region Resource 97.42% Orokin Cell 2.58% Mission ...
从钢铁之路上侵袭警报任务或是追随者那里获取的代表Teshin尊严的代币。可被用来换取证明你战士能力的物品。 –游戏内介绍 钢铁精华是一种只出现在钢铁之路模式中的特殊资源。 入手方法 更新29.5之后,游戏内引入了钢铁之路侵袭的警报,每一项任务在完成之后可以获得5个钢铁精华。
Link="[[The Steel Path|钢铁之路]]", Count=246, Exp=14519,--U35问题 Each="不同节点不同经验值" }, { Name="Junctions", Link="[[Junction|接合点(钢铁之路)]]", Count=13, Exp=13000, Each=1000 }, } localtotalExp=0 functionreduceAllTypes() ...
I'd rather see new railjack content, steel path is just more of the same. They could add it, but it won't make it more interesting beyond completing it again for star chart completion. 1月1日 Mission Faceoff is 90% pointless - Early lead guarantees victory ...
分享241 warframe吧 v轩辕晓风v 关于新版本钢铁之路(the steel path) 趁着早上没人,抓紧时间来水一帖 51262240 warframe吧 情深毙命丶1300 话说钢铁之路的困难图给不给段位经验! 分享10赞 warframe吧 黑心老瀧 话说那个钢铁之路每打完一个星球都给一个小星球模型吗?我现在打钢铁输入法都自动接之路了??? 分享...
+4 分享11126 warframe吧 v轩辕晓风v 关于新版本钢铁之路(the steel path) 趁着早上没人,抓紧时间来水一帖 51262239 warframe吧 qx🐶无🐴 问一下钢铁之路真确的水经验方式试了能查到的所有办法,结果氧气完全不够,还动不动来小小黑,一身水没伤害,魅影也不打小小黑,花甲1600的血在花圈里被小小黑一刀砍死...