Fixed pop-up that appears when attempting to start The New War Quest without a Necramech incorrectly directing players to Loid instead of Father in the Necralisk. Fixed the Warframe: 1999 On-lyne Poster having incorrect aspect ratio. Fixed changing Windowed Resolution failing to update the asp...
Mesa's component blueprints can be from defeating Mutalist Alad V on Mutalist Alad V Assassinate, Eris; the Assassination requires a Mutalist Alad V Assassinate Key to enter, whose blueprint is obtained from the Patient Zero quest and is crafted from Mutalist Alad V Nav Coordinates earned ...
General Basics Arsenal • Codex • Daily Tribute • Empyrean • Foundry • Market • Mastery Rank • Nightwave • Orbiter • Player Profile • Reset • Star Chart Lore Alignment • Fragments • Leverian • Quest Factions Corpus • Grineer • Infested • Orokin •...
Fixed a Fortuna Fragment spawning inside geometry after completing The New War Quest. Hotfix 25.1.2 (2019-06-12) Fixed undiscovered Gas City Fragments showing as Plains of Eidolon Fragments in the Codex. Update 25.0 (2019-05-22) (Undocumented) Introduced new fragments on Corpus Gas City. ...
It means Orokin Catalyst is in weapon already. If you check menu where you usually install Orokin Catalyst you can see there is one already. You don't build Nataruk it will be in your arsenal when you complete New War quest. 2024年12月28日 ...
Astute Tenno will also have noticed that The War Within quest implicitly locked late-game content behind Mastery Rank 5, because you needed to be Mastery Rank 5 to complete Sedna Junction and unlock The War Within quest. We still want to prevent new players from diving into late-game content...
Any Protoframes you did not speak to today (between December 14 at 0:00 EST and the hotfix’s release) will have their KIM Conversations reset properly at 0:00 UTC. Fixed being unable to progress past the asteroid field stage in The War Within Quest. ...
Fixed crash when returning to the Drifter Camp in The New War Quest. Fixed crash when attempting to visit another player’s Orbiter. Fixed crash when Client enters through the Cetus gates from the Plains of Eidolon during Host migration. ...
Added “Complete Quest: Heart of Deimos” task. This allows players to build a relationship with the Entrati, and gets them on the path to building their Necramech for The New War Quest. Europa Junction: Removed “Complete Quest: Stolen Dreams” task. Stolen Dreams is now a side Quest ...
I do feel like we always kind of hoped that we could introduceThe Duviri Paradoxearlier in the storyline; that way players who begin withThe Duviri Paradoxcould already know about The Drifter and Eternalism before they get to The New War. They can experience The New War Quest from a differ...