【Warframe】观看《The Game Awards》以获取掉宝奖励 来自https://www.warframe.com/zh-hans/news/watch-the-game-awards-for-drops (补个完整版的新闻) 在Twitch 或 Steam 收看即可获得一个免费的 Nyx 战甲! 《Warframe》即将参加《The Game Awards 2024》,并将带来许多好东西和好消息与大家分享! 通过绑定...
官方网站 https://www.warframe.com/zh-hans/news/watch-the-game-awards-for-drops Warframe 将在 2024 年的 TGA 颁奖典礼上与大家分享丰富的内容和资讯! 将Twitch 账号与 Warframe 账号绑定,观看直播 30 分钟即可获得免费的 Nyx 战甲,附带免费的战甲槽位!不仅如此,我们还将公布更多关于即将到来的《Warfram...
官方网站 https://www.warframe.com/zh-hans/news/watch-the-game-awards-for-drops Warframe 将在 2024 年的 TGA 颁奖典礼上与大家分享丰富的内容和资讯! 将Twitch 账号与 Warframe 账号绑定,观看直播 30 分钟即可获得免费的 Nyx 战甲,附带免费的战甲槽位!不仅如此,我们还将公布更多关于即将到来的《Warfram...
Слідкуйтезанамиу Twitch Ноґл «Бомбастин». Ноґл «Клем». Ноґл «Титанія». Ноґл «Баруук». Предметиз Twitch Drops Більшенедоступно Щоботримати...
2024/10/26 AM4点16分 ,Deviant22说: i refreshed dozens of times didnt change a thing...so am i gonna get the form umbra then? can devs do anything about it? i was really looking forward to get one and it made me really happy and now my mood is ruined becuz twitch drops were bug...
2024/7/20 PM11点59分 , LasagnaFairy 说: Are twitch drops taking an age for others? Been watching since it started, almost an hour now, and I have 20% progress :/ I may not get it by watching the entire thing, at this rate. I have it open on both PC and iOS, to see if ...
TWITCH DROPS 掉落道具活动時間 所有掉落开始于美东时间 5 p.m.,将会一直持续到每样掉落物的美东时间最后一天的4:59 p.m.。 星童头冠 在以下日期内,观看一小时的任何 Warframe 实况来获得独特的指挥官装饰: 美东夏令时间 6月15 - 16 (周五到周六) ...
此Twitch 掉落道具活动会开始到美东夏令时间 6 月 29 日星期五下午两点结束。请注意,一旦更新在 PlayStation 4 和 Xbox One 上线,活动将会为主机平台的玩家再次开跑。获得你的 Twitch Drops 掉落道具确认你的 Warframe 和 Twitch 帐号是绑定的来获得你的奖励!你可以官网来绑定你的帐户。如果你还没有一个 Twitch...
Fragments are pieces of hidden items throughout the Origin System that can be found to unlock written and audiovisual lore that flesh out the setting of WARFRAME. Most Fragments can be scanned with either a Codex or Synthesis Scanner, which will unlock a
Weapons are used by Warframes, Archwings, Sentinels, and enemies to cause damage. Weapons can be leveled up for more mod capacity to apply more mods and increase capability. There are three main weapon types used by Warframes: Primary, Secondary, and Mel