The War Within You can begin The War Within from your Codex or the Quests menu after reaching Sedna. The Lotus will direct you to Lua, where another cinematic story will begin. You will find a mix of familiar objectives both on foot and with the help of your Archwing....
PC Member 2 创建帐户或登录来提出意见 你需要成为会员才能提出意见 创建帐户 注册成为会员。只要几个简单步骤! 注册帐户 登录 已有帐户? 请登录。 现在登录 前往主题列表 所有动态 首页 Feedback Missions & Levels bug on the quest the war within
If your Tenno dies between 5 and 9 times during the Labyrinth section of this quest, there is a chance your energy display will disappear. This bug sometimes will not allow you to use transference to take control of the Golden Maw’s burrow ability, making this quest impossible to complete...
The War Within/Transcript The Waverider/Transcript Ties That Bind/Transcript Veilbreaker/Transcript Vor's Prize/Transcript Vox Solaris (Quest)/Transcript Whispers in the Walls/Transcript Zariman ARG/TranscriptOrokin EraAn Orokin tower The four Orokin eras are Lith, Meso, Neo and Axi, which ended...
Bug in the "War Within" quest.Steam 由Luckas.207 , 2分钟前 在PC Bugs Share 关注者 1 Luckas.207 PC Member 1 发表于 2分钟前 In the part where we have to stun the golden jaw, i can't activate this ability. I've even changed the shortcut keys for the skill....
Similar to Cephalon Fragments they are found on every location in the Solar system after the completion of The War Within quest and are identifiable by a unique purple icon on the mini-map if equipped with a Loot Radar mods. They will not spawn unless one member of the squad has completed...
Astute Tenno will also have noticed that The War Within quest implicitly locked late-game content behind Mastery Rank 5, because you needed to be Mastery Rank 5 to complete Sedna Junction and unlock The War Within quest. We still want to prevent new players from diving into late-game content...
驭浪者是一个可选的支线系列任务,以一份Yareli的漫画为主题。Yareli是一个以K式悬浮板为特点的warframe,同时也是通风小子的灵感来源。完成此系列任务可以得到Yareli的蓝图。 剧情梗概 小洛找到了一份名为驭浪者#1的漫画,描述了一位以K式悬浮板为灵感的Warframe,Yareli。然而,她也在揭示这份漫画的过程中严重受伤。
This is significant, because if you’ve been away from the Origin System for a while, the Quest prerequisites for The New War itself could keep you busy for quite some time!To begin The New War, you will need to complete:- Natah - The Second Dream - The War Within - Chains Of Harro...
Location Unlock QuestsThe Duviri Paradox(Duviri,Dormizone) •Saya's Vigil(Cetus,Plains of Eidolon) •Vox Solaris(Fortuna,Orb Vallis) •Heart of Deimos(Necralisk,Cambion Drift) •The Archwing(Empyrean Proximas)The Duviri Paradox(Duviri) •The Second Dream(Lua) •The War Within(Kuva For...